The squad sits down with Gary Arndt to talk about what it’s like to travel the USA and the world as a travel photographer, pivoting careers into travel adjacent media, and unique facts about some of the most unique corners of the earth.
Gary is the host of Everything Everywhere, the world’s most popular daily educational podcast. Prior to that he was a three time travel photographer of the year and spent 13 years traveling to all 7 continents, 204 countries and every US state and territory and has a wealth of knowledge on culture, nature, and how to explore unique and lesser known special places across the globe.
This interview will without a doubt teach you something you didn’t know before and maybe even inspire you to discover a new place for yourself.
You can find Gary on his podcast Everything Everywhere on his website and everywhere podcasts are streamed, or connect with him on Instagram @everythingeverywhere

Gary Arndt Interview – Episode Transcript
2 (2m 5s):
Welcome to this week’s episode of the Travel Squad Podcast. We have a very special guest joining us today, Gary Arnt. In March, 2007, Gary sold his house and started traveling the world. During his travels, he visited all seven continents, 204 countries and every US state and territory.
0 (2m 26s):
Gary has accomplished quite a lot in his travels while traveling. He taught himself travel Photography. He was named photographer of the year three times from various different publications. He also now runs a travel adjacent podcast called Everything Everywhere podcast that releases episodes daily and he knows something about everywhere, which makes this episode so fascinating and inspires you to see places you might not have even known about.
1 (2m 55s):
In this episode, we talk with Gary about his Photography career, his podcast, and his travels as we play a rapid fire game as we try to stump Gary with some very interesting but lesser known travel destinations.
2 (3m 6s):
And with that, let’s welcome Gary to the Travel Squad Podcast.
0 (3m 14s):
All right, Gary, we are so excited to have you on the podcast today. And one of the questions that we’d like to start with all of our guests is that we wanna go way back. What is your very first or very best travel memory that you can recall?
6 (3m 28s):
Oh boy. One of the first ones would probably be my parents taking a trip to the Wisconsin Dells, which is kind of this touristy area in Wisconsin. You know, they serve fudge, which is pretty much the definition of a tourist area cuz no place else serves fudge other than tourist spots. And I remember, you know, they have these things, the, the Dells are a section of the Wisconsin River that are kind of like a small canyon and they have these things where there were ducks, which are amphibious vehicles. They were the same ones used in World War ii. They refurbished them and so you’d start out on land and then you’d go into the water and then you’d go back on land and go back in and stuff. That’s one that I remember, I think it was 1978 we took a trip to South Dakota, Wyoming.
6 (4m 13s):
That’s one I certainly remember. So yeah, that those would probably be it. Do
0 (4m 19s):
You think that traveling young like that with your parents around the United States made you fall in love with travel at an early age?
6 (4m 27s):
No, I didn’t really travel a whole lot. I never saw saltwater till I was 21 years old to give you an idea. And it’s not like we were going on vacation every year. This was like they were few and far between. So I was not a very well-traveled person when, when like I was in college. So it definitely did not come from that because I never did that.
2 (4m 49s):
So then what really started it for you, cuz of course, yeah, there’s the childhood ones traveling around kind of your home area and states where you’re from in that region. But for you then as an individual, what really got you into traveling
6 (5m 2s):
In the nineties I had an internet company and what I would do is you’d always get a cheaper ticket if you had a Saturday layover. So I would often stay an extra day if I had a business trip and go see national parks and stuff like that. So I really got into to going and Exploring and then after I sold my company, I sort of conned the company that I sold it to to send me on a trip around the world to talk to all their regional offices. So in 1999 they sent me on a whirlwind three week tour where I started in Minneapolis, went to Tokyo, Taipei, Singapore, Frankfurt, London, Brussels in London over the course of three weeks.
6 (5m 42s):
So I, I went around the world and it was the first time I had ever, you know, been anywhere other than a brief trip to Canada. That was it. And that was what kind of got me started on traveling and a few years later I, I didn’t really know what to do so I, I kind of hatched the idea of selling all my stuff and traveling around the world. And at that point everyone kind of just, I always had hair-brained ideas and they always turned out pretty well so everyone just sort of shrugged when I told ’em I was doing it and that’s what I did.
0 (6m 11s):
I think that makes for a great traveler cause you really do have to go with the flow.
6 (6m 14s):
Yeah, I, I never really planned anything when I was traveling. Not too, you know, as about as far in advance as I had to, there were a couple cases where in the Pacific especially I had to buy tickets for, you know, a couple stops in advance. But normally I would land in a place and not have an honored ticket unless I had to. So I kind of made everything up as I went along and that’s still kind of how I travel to this day.
0 (6m 40s):
When you land in a destination with no plan, what are some of the first things that you do there?
6 (6m 46s):
Get a place to stay is usually number one. Normally that doesn’t blow up in your face, but it has on a couple occasions. In one time I was in Tokyo during Japanese Thanksgiving and all the hotel rooms were booked one weekend and so I ended up staying in a capsule hotel and then I was doing a tour a couple years ago out west. I was driving around and was scheduled to be in Arches National Park and I totally forgot it was Memorial Day weekend and the prices for like a Motel six were like 250 bucks a night, which was ridiculous. So what I did is I had points on one of my cards, the Chase Sapphire preferred where you can kind of use it on anything.
6 (7m 29s):
And so I booked my room with points and they don’t jack up the price of a room like they do for points. That’s just kind of always stable. So I got a room at a normal rate even though the prices were grossly inflated because of the holiday.
0 (7m 44s):
Ah, that’s a great hack. I didn’t realize that. Yeah,
6 (7m 47s):
Well I didn’t either so until I figured it out.
1 (7m 51s):
And that’s actually a really good starter credit card for any traveler cuz it’s so versatile in using it for cars, hotels, other types of stays. So I think that’s a great hack for our listeners as well. And something that you learned along the way too. Did
6 (8m 5s):
I, did I say the Chase Sapphire Reserver Preferred?
1 (8m 8s):
You said preferred.
6 (8m 10s):
Oh, the Reserve is actually what I was using. Yeah, I don’t think that’s a starter card, that’s like a
2 (8m 14s):
No, that’s definitely not a starter card. I have that card as a matter of fact, so I know that one has a hefty fee, but we’ve had conversations before where we feel like, of course it pays for itself. But to anybody listening, the preferred card is a good kind of base starter card from the, the Chase side of things. But yeah, the, the Reserve is a phenomenal travel credit card.
6 (8m 35s):
It, it, it does have a fee, but you get a big chunk of that refunded for quote unquote travel purchases. And one of the things that counts as a travel purchase is any gas station. So just, it’s like, I think it was $450 fee, which is a lot, but then you get $300 in travel expenses so you just pay for gas like you would anyhow and you get it all back.
2 (8m 57s):
You know how I first discovered how great it was on anything that’s travel reimbursed. When I had the card we were here in downtown San Diego going to park and I literally just needed to put $1 in a parking meter low and behold that very evening and I saw my $1 refunded back to me for that purchase as a part of my travel credit. So a very, very solid card. But I love hearing about the background and the kind of how it started selling your business and your love for it. But where along the way did your travel Photography career kind of like come into play? Because I know for a while you were doing that and so was that inspired by your traveling? Were you a photographer before that and how did that come into play for you?
6 (9m 40s):
No, I knew nothing about Photography before I started traveling. I purchased a very expensive camera, like a lot of people do, thinking it would take good photos because it was an expensive camera. And I learned very quickly that that’s not how it works, that you can take very bad photos of the very expensive camera. And so I just started a, a process of kind of incrementally getting better and learning about Photography. And so just to put it into perspective, in 2007 I started and then five years later I was named Travel Photographer of the year in North America.
0 (10m 15s):
Wow. Congrats.
6 (10m 17s):
But it was just a process of, I started posting photos every day to my website. This was before Instagram was a thing. And the act of making your work public I think is really important and also being self-critical and also just, you know, incremental improvements and that’s, that was kind of how I did it. So, and I should add, as of the day we are recording this, I have not taken my camera out of my bag in three years.
1 (10m 44s):
I remember you you saying that on our pre-call, but I’m sure you still have a lot of really good picture taking skills. So what would you say are three tips for capturing the perfect travel picture?
6 (10m 56s):
One is to be patient. A lot of people just take their camera and they stick it in front of them and they click it and they’re really not taking a picture so much as a snapshot. They’re just kind of capturing a moment. Another thing that people do that is very common is they put everything the subject in the center of the image and oftentimes you don’t wanna have it in the center of the image, you want to have it offset a little bit. That’s known as the rule of thirds that it, it makes for a, a stronger image when the, the image isn’t always right in the center of something. And the other thing would be to edit your photos. That’s really important. You know, back in the days of film you had to get film developed and if you just were a regular person, you’d take your film down to the Walmart or whatever and they would send it back to you.
6 (11m 38s):
But if you were a professional, you had a dark room and you could make decisions in the process of developing film, this part should be lighter, this part should be darker and you can do all that today except you do it on the computer in a program like Lightroom instead of darkroom. Exact same thing except that you know, they, it it’s really what necessary to take your photos to the next level. And I’ve heard people say, well it’s cheating or it’s not reality. Your camera’s not capturing reality. There are decisions that are being made, you’re just automating it and letting the computer do it. But you should be making those decisions because then you can know what, you know a quality image is going to be.
0 (12m 13s):
Those are really good tips and, and you’re right, there’s so many times we’ve tried to take pictures of sunsets or a big beautiful moon and it just does not do it justice.
6 (12m 24s):
Okay, so with a moon, the moon is very bright with a very dark background. So when you point a camera at something, it doesn’t know what to adjust the brightness for. So am I adjusting for the black, which is most of the sky or am I adjusting for the moon? And what usually happens is the moon gets blown out, you don’t see any details, it’s just all white and what you need to do is actually decrease your exposure to make the details of the moon come out. That’s just, that’s again, that’s one of those decisions if you let the camera make it, you’re gonna wind up with those results.
0 (13m 1s):
Good tip. I’m gonna try that next time. We have a full moon out here.
1 (13m 4s):
What destination would you say was your favorite to photograph?
6 (13m 8s):
Oh boy. You know, there’s lots of good ones for different reasons. One of these stock answers I always give to a question like that is South Georgia Island. South Georgia is in the Atlantic Ocean north of Antarctica between South America and Africa. It’s home to one of the largest colonies of penguins and seabirds in the world. There’s mountains in the middle of the island. It it’s absolutely stunning and gorgeous and the moment you step off the boat, you’re just surrounded by a quarter million animals who have no fear of you and it’s unlike anything you’re ever gonna experience in the world. Well you
2 (13m 42s):
Said that was a stalk answer and I kind of remember you mentioning that to us, you know, last time that we spoke to before you know, recording for the podcast. So give us your second location then other than
6 (13m 53s):
I’ll say Namibia the desert. Yeah, the sand dunes in Namibia are fantastic and really enjoyed my time there. Really enjoyed shooting it other great places. Ethiopia, you know, I got a lot of really great shots. Any place up in the mountains, in the Alps, Iceland, Patagonia, places like that. There’s a reason why people, photographers always keep going to these places, the Canadian Rockies.
0 (14m 17s):
Great timing on this one. Since we are going to ban Jasper Yoho next month, do you have any Photography tips for those destinations?
6 (14m 26s):
Oh, what’s the name of the lake? It’s Lake
2 (14m 28s):
1 (14m 29s):
Lake Mera
6 (14m 31s):
Probably is Lake Mera, but it’s as very beautiful backdrop with, with several mountains and there’s a, a viewing area. Go there as early as you can just to avoid the crowds.
1 (14m 42s):
Yeah, this year they actually made a lot of changes to Canada’s national parks and Lake Marine. You can no longer arrive by personal vehicle. The only way you can arrive is by shuttle or by a tour. And so we booked the absolute earliest spot that we could get on the shuttle to try to beat all of the crowds or most of the crowds when we first arrive.
6 (15m 4s):
Banff is a very popular park, but there are a lot of great things north and south of Banff as well. So if you can drive a little bit down to Waterton National Park. Waterton National Park is the other half across the border of Glacier National Park in Montana and they have the Prince of Wales Lodge there, which is fantastic. Lot of beautiful stuff there as well. And of course if you go north you can go up to the Icefield and to to Jasper as well. And, and the other thing a lot of people don’t realize is you can cross the border into British Columbia and there are two national parks that border Jasper and Banff as well. Yoho National Park and Cooney National Park.
6 (15m 45s):
And those don’t get as much attention, but it’s all part of the same thing. They’re all connected and they all border each other. Yeah,
2 (15m 50s):
We are doing Jasper as well as Yoho. We’re not going to that other one that you mentioned is in British Columbia. But the Waterton National Park, when Britney and I were in Glacier, we happened to be during Covid, so they still had that area and the border close so we couldn’t cross into it. So we weren’t able to fit it in on this itinerary, but we really, really want to do it and get to to that location. And then border hop, so to speak, within national parks that way. I think that’ll be really, really great.
6 (16m 19s):
And then if you’re really adventurous, you probably are not gonna be able to do it on this trip. But one of the largest national parks in the world is in Alberta. It’s Wood Buffalo National Park and it’s located in the northeastern corner, also a little bit into the Northwest Territories. And that is one of the least visited national parks in Canada. It gets about 800 visitors a year, maybe 1500, I think most of those are locals who live nearby, but it’s a, it’s a very different kind of park and the vast majority of it you can’t even access it’s wilderness. So you really have to take a plane to fly over it. What, what you see from the plane is so different because it’s a very marshy wet area with ponds and marshes and then you’ll see signs of fires that break out and, and fires are natural in that part of the world.
6 (17m 6s):
So you’ll see a patch of burnt, you know, black wood surrounded by a ring of brown and then green around it and you’ll see these patches all over and those patches, you can see how the fire can’t really spread because periodically a fire will break out and then next year’s la you know, the previous year’s fire serves as a break for the, the fire coming up. So there’s always fires there every year, but they never become super big or they usually don’t for that reason. It’s like
0 (17m 34s):
Nature taking care of itself. Yeah.
6 (17m 36s):
But anyways, wood buffalo’s amazing and nobody goes there and I always tell people about it and no, no one ever takes my advice. So I feel free in sharing it because I don’t think it’s gonna come over touristed.
1 (17m 47s):
We’ll let you know when we go there and take
6 (17m 49s):
Your advice. If you do it, let me know. And, and so if you even wanna do something even more adventurous is to keep driving up north into the Northwest territories and visit what I think is the greatest, perhaps the greatest national park in the world. Nahani National Park. And most Canadians don’t even know about Nahani, but it has one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Virginia Falls. It has incredible rivers, some of the most, you know, majestic mountains you’re ever gonna see. And and the reason why nobody goes there is because there are no roads. The only way in is by float plane and they have a very short window of when the park is open, basically two months you gotta go in July or August.
6 (18m 32s):
But it is absolutely amazing and I’ve mentioned this on many, many dozens of interviews I’ve done and to this date, I don’t think anybody is actually bothered to go there. To give you an idea of how difficult it is, correct
2 (18m 43s):
Me if I’m wrong, Hanni is a UNESCO World Heritage site in National Park two, am I not
6 (18m 48s):
Mistaken on that? It is, as is Wood Buffalo, as is Banin. Jasper Hanni, just to give you an idea of how incredible it is, was one of the first UNESCO World Heritage sites created in 1978 alongside Yellowstone and the Galapagos. So if you think that the Galapagos Islands and Yellowstone National Park are significant, nahani is kind of at that level yet almost nobody knows about it.
0 (19m 12s):
Wow. You’ve been to so many cool places around the world. I know you were traveling for Photography and that kind of became a business for you. Was that your reason for visiting a lot of these far and wide destinations or were you curious like, like what drove you there? Yeah,
6 (19m 30s):
I’m just interested in that kind of stuff. You know, I, I like to go to World Heritage Sites. I’ve been to over 400 and many world heritage sites are extremely easy to visit and some are extremely difficult to visit. And I have found that nine times out of 10, even if you know nothing about it, if you just go because it’s a World Heritage site, you’ll be pleasantly surprised because it may be something that you didn’t even know, you know, until you visited, whether it’s historical or something natural. Yeah. And I, I just, I never understood the point, you know, places like Venice, Venice is a wonderful place. I got nothing against it, but everyone knows about it and so everybody wants to go there and there are a lot of great things in the world that people just, they don’t know about because there’s only room in the popular consciousness for so much.
6 (20m 16s):
And they know Paris, they know London, they know Athens, places like that and they don’t know about all the bits in between. So if you’re, if you’re going on a trip to Italy, the standard trip is you go to Rome, you go to Florence, you go to Venice. Yep. They don’t go to Sam, Jim, they don’t go to Luca, they don’t go to, you know, Chiera. Jera is still pretty popular but there’s a lot of places in Italy that, that people don’t go to that have an enormous amount of history and are, are well worth the visit, but they don’t know to go there.
2 (20m 48s):
Well I think you kind of gave the perfect segue cuz one thing that I really wanted to ask you, cuz I know you are a really big fan of UNESCO sites, as are we. So what do you think is like one UNESCO World Heritage site that you think everybody should visit now? I know you kind of mentioned the national parks and those ones were them and a lot of people don’t realize sometimes national parks can be them. So I’m curious to see what you’re gonna say if it’s gonna be a nature oriented unesco or is it gonna be like a culturally significant unesco
6 (21m 16s):
I’m gonna, I’m gonna give you one that’s completely off the wall. The Ingin Iron Works in SAR land in Germany. This is a 19th and early 20th century Iron Works. This is the right off a movie set kind of Iron works if you wanted to like film something in a decaying factory, not a, it’s not even a factory, but like an industrial plant. So this closed down, I wanna say in the 1980s and it was just cheaper to turn it into a, a, a world heritage site than it was to disassemble it. But it has, you know, there are things you can go visit that are ancient history. You can visit, you know, the coliseum and things like that. Or maybe even, you know, 18th, 19th century history, some grand palace.
6 (21m 57s):
But there’s a lot of these things from say the early 20th century of industrial history that people, they, they don’t think to go visit, you know, why would you go visit the floor of a factory or something. But those industrial things are an important part of our history. It’s how the modern world came to be. And so there’s a whole bunch of sites like that that I recommend because they are an important part. There’s a copper mine in Sweden that I went to. There’s actually in Sweden, it’s not a world heritage site, but it’s close by. It was one of the, the first petroleum refineries in the world was in Sweden and you can still smell the oil.
6 (22m 40s):
It’s this island in the middle of a lake and they, they haven’t done anything there in decades, but you can still smell it because, you know, the, the smell inside the building was so strong. So a lot of those things that have to do with, you know, the, the early industrialization, the industrial revolution, I think are often overlooked and are things that I always recommend for people to go visit.
0 (22m 59s):
Very interesting. And yes, definitely off the wall. I’ll have to add those to my list. And I’m, I’m sure you haven’t equally as off the wall answer to this question here, but what is a country you’ve been to, I think over 200 countries and territories. What are, what are one or a couple that you think people should visit that they don’t visit often?
6 (23m 20s):
I’m going to go with Samoa or Fiji because the Pacific is completely overlooked by most people as a destination because they, they’ve, they don’t even know of most of those places they’ve heard of Tahiti or Bora Bora and that’s about it. And that’s the only thing they consider. And those are extremely expensive destinations, but a place like Fiji is pretty affordable to be completely honest. And there are some great experiences you can have there. The Asawa Islands are very cheap. You can have a bungalow 10 or 20 feet from the beach by yourself. You can stay at a, a resort where all the meals are included, that’s run by a local village. All the money stays there and it, it’s not luxury.
6 (24m 4s):
But then again, who cares? You’re, you’re on a tropical island eating local food and, and you know, having a great time. There are direct flights from California, from LA where you can, I think leave in the early evening or late afternoon in LA and then you arrive in Fiji at around 6:00 AM and from there you can hop right on the boat, go up to Usal Islands, it makes a trip up and down once a day. There are 30 little resorts that you can radio ahead on the boat and you can get off at any one you want and hop on, hop off for they have a ticket for a week or however you wanna do it. So you’re not stuck in one resort. Fantastic experience. But people think it’s so far away that, you know, especially if you’re in California, going to Fiji is not that much further than going to the Caribbean or going, you know, someplace like that.
6 (24m 54s):
If you live on the East Coast, people would never consider going to the Canary Islands. The Canary Islands are a huge destination for people in Europe, but most people in North America never think to go there. And it’s fantastic. It’s part of the eu so it’s, it’s just as easy as going to Spain cuz it’s Spain, but it’s kind of like Spain’s Hawaii and the, you know, temperatures are always great, easy to get around and there are different islands that are completely different from each other. La Palma is very lush and green lands a rote. It’s basically a volcanic wasteland where you literally can go to a national park where they cook over the volcano. Wow. That is the heat source for the, the, the kitchen.
2 (25m 34s):
I really love how all your answers were actually islands, whether it be in the Atlantic or the Pacific and none of the, the common ones. And I know we asked for non-com, but I think those are really, really great cuz a lot of times the unsuspecting things are the Hidden Gems. I know Britney and I have traveled a few places and we weren’t necessarily expecting much, but not in a bad way, just weren’t really hyped about it cuz you don’t hear about it. And then we’re there in some of the places that we’ve loved the most. So I’m really interested to add these places to our list and
6 (26m 3s):
Check. Yeah, I mean you guys live in California, just check out the prices and you know, when you’re in Fiji that’s kind of the hub, that’s the largest country in the region. From there you can fly to Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, wherever. And it’s super easy to, you know, all those places are very accessible, you know, with the exception of French Polynesia. Every place speaks English. Very easy to get around Exxon.
2 (26m 31s):
We’re gonna have to hop from Fiji to Samoa cuz we need to hit American Samoa for the National Park cuz that’s on our bucket list out there. And we know we have to hit that one.
6 (26m 39s):
I’ve been there, I’ve been to American Samoa twice and do not fly from Hawaii. And the reason is because Hawaii to American Samoa is considered a domestic flight. And Hawaiian Airlines basically has a monopoly on it. And so they charge an arm and a leg. Whereas if you fly to the nation of Samoa, which is only a 20 minute flight from American Samoa, then there’s much more competition in that market and it’s far cheaper. And plus you can visit another country to boot on top of it. And once you’re in American Samoa in Pango Pango, then it, it’s super easy to visit the national park, just rent a car and it’s just right there. It’s not hard to get to.
1 (27m 17s):
I literally just said, I wanna say a day or two ago I told Jamal I wanna go to American Samoa. And I said we can actually get there from Hawaii and we haven’t been to the island of Oahu, we’ve been to Kauai, Maui, big island, but we haven’t been to Oahu yet. And I said, you know, we can actually get there from Honolulu, but this may change my mind because of the price.
6 (27m 41s):
You can do it, but yeah, it’s, you’re gonna pay for it. I should say that is the route that the vast majority of people do come to and from American Samoa, even the people who live there because if they want to get to to anywhere, you know, that’s kind of where it’s gonna take them. But yeah, I would, I would recommend flying into Samoa and to do, to get to Samoa, you’re probably gonna either have to fly, there used to be a direct flight from LA to Samoa that by Air New Zealand and then from there they went to Auckland. I don’t know if they still do that. So you may have to fly to either Fiji or Auckland to get to Samoa.
1 (28m 16s):
I really don’t mind, you know, having a pit stop in, in any of those destinations. So that’ll work out just fine for us.
6 (28m 23s):
I figured it would.
2 (28m 24s):
Absolutely. Well let me ask you Gary, because I know we talked a little bit about your Photography, you even mentioned yourself already, like you haven’t touched the camera in about like three years still in your bag and that coincides with your new thing that you’re doing, which is your podcast. So how did you get to that pivot? I know it coincided with Covid. Was it because of that? Was it just, you were done with Photography? So why don’t you tell us a little bit about your podcast and how you started doing that now?
6 (28m 54s):
Yeah, I kind of had to do it outta desperation so I can, I can tell you the timeline when all this happened. So February, 2020, I’m on a trip to Portugal and this Covid stuff is in the news. At the time it was like northern Italy and stuff happening in China. It still was kind of like in the news, but nothing was happening. Nobody was taking any measures. I fly home February 28th, March 1st, I’m sick as a dog, I’m sick. That whole first week I assume I had, I had Covid, I never got it tested because it was still really early and they didn’t have tests available and what they did, they’re all like, you know, save it for the first responders and, and and I, I got better so, you know, whatever.
6 (29m 36s):
And, and then over the next several weeks everything fell apart. All the contracts I had for Photography were canceled. I had an event that I was gonna be hosting that got canceled, traffic to my website, dried up all the affiliate income I had dried up. Everything just dried up because the entire travel and tourism ministry disappeared. And at first I thought this was gonna be a temporary thing. I think a lot of us did. Like, oh this will, you know, by May or April, may this will be done, this will just be a few weeks. Oh no. And I, I, while, while nothing was happening for a while, I started to do some calls with people I knew in the travel industry that were kind of higher up and they were telling me like, no, this is gonna be years in the making.
6 (30m 19s):
And I, you know, I just started to realize that I had to do something because I could not rely on the travel and tourism industry anymore. And not just that, but before that started I was starting to have some problems with like travel blogging and Social Media. I did not like the business. I didn’t like where it had gone. The vast majority of travel blogs get the vast majority of their traffic from Google. And what ended up happening is everyone began writing the same articles in trying to s e o optimize everything. And when I started traveling, I had a website, but I would just write stuff for people and they followed my website and that was Social Media. And I would write a cute title to an article or something.
6 (30m 60s):
I’d use a line from a song or a pun or whatever. I wasn’t thinking about s e o and people didn’t care because they just went to the website every day to hear what I had to say about the observations I made traveling. And that that was, that has been long gone. I also realize that people only cared about travel when they’re about to go on a trip. Nobody follows travel in the same way that they follow sports or politics or fashion or technology or any of these things. And the reason is because nothing in travel changes Coliseum in Rome. It’s still there. It’ll be there tomorrow, probably be there in a hundred years. You know, they’re not making new countries, they’re not making new beaches really.
6 (31m 41s):
So people only when they’re, when they’re about to go somewhere or they’re doing planning, they’ll search for things and then that’s it.
0 (31m 46s):
You’re so right. We’re potentially going to Bali next year and I keep getting videos on TikTok and I am, I’m like, I don’t wanna see them, I don’t wanna think about this trip. It’s too far out to consume that content.
6 (31m 59s):
So I had friends that were popular fashion bloggers, popular food bloggers, and they got way more traffic, not just than me, but like every travel blogger I knew and it had, and I realized it had nothing to do with me. It had to do with the, the business. You know, people cook every day, people have to make fashion decisions all the time. So it was something that they were more vested in. So I realized I had to do something and I didn’t want it to be travel, but I also didn’t want to abandon everything I’ve learned and all the experiences I had while traveling. So I decided to do a podcast, which I had been doing a podcast for a long time this week in travel. We started in 2009. We did it through the Pandemic.
6 (32m 41s):
I, I’m very comfortable doing it. I enjoy it more than blogging just because of all the SEO and Social Media nonsense. And, but more importantly, it gave me an opportunity to talk about the things I learned traveling without talking about travel per se. I didn’t need to talk about visas and credit cards and hotels and flights and stuff like that. Which to be completely honest, I don’t care about. Those are necessary things you need to do to travel. I understand that. But you know, we buy things like toilet paper and paper towels. I don’t, I don’t want to have a website about those. I’m not gonna follow those remotely. It’s just a fact of life.
6 (33m 21s):
So I, I launched a show that was based on just learning something new every day. I took a very wide approach at the, the topics I cover and every day is something completely different and new. And so you can learn about things that you never learned before. And I’d say most of the, the episodes are about things that I learned in the course of my travels or in places I’ve been. And I’m able to throw in an, an anecdote maybe about something I did. And yeah, that’s the show. And it’s become wildly successful, far bigger than anything I’ve ever done in the world of travel or Social Media or blogging. I, I really have been surprised by its success.
0 (34m 2s):
I’ve gotta hand it to you doing a podcast every single day and, and that commitment. That’s really amazing. So for someone that hasn’t tuned into it that may just be hearing about it for the first time, what’s an example of an episode or a topic that you talked about this week?
6 (34m 18s):
So tomorrow’s episode that I still have to write is about the domestication of cats. The one I did previously was about the Manila Gallions and this was the Spanish ships and the trade routes between Manila and the Philippines in Acapulco. And this was really the first instance of globalization. Before that I talked about the truth about the Wild West, how wild really was it? The International Space Station traditions of the British coronation, the history of Cinco de Mayo and what it’s really celebrating twins who were separated at birth. I talked about galaxies and Lady Jane Gray, who was queen for nine days.
0 (34m 53s):
Oh wow. A whole,
6 (34m 54s):
Those things hardly have nothing to do with each other. I just, I have a long list of ideas and yeah, and I try to keep it very random and I tell people, you know, it’s, it’s the episodes you, you have no clue what it’s about are the ones you’re gonna learn the most. You can learn about things you didn’t even know that you didn’t know.
2 (35m 11s):
Random indeed. And a good eclectic mix. Like even as you were just talking about it, I was like, you know, fascinating at, right. Because that’s one of the things too I like about travel. I know your podcast isn’t specific around it, but of course if you’re talking about a destination that you’ve been, you’re throwing it in there to, to some degree. But that’s what I really love about it is you’ll learn something new about something very common, right? Like we recently had a relaunch of our episode talking about when we were in Ecuador and apparently in Ecuador they’re really big on making roses. And they took us to a little rose farm, so to speak, and they were saying pretty much every rose that you’ll co encounter in the world really comes out of here.
2 (35m 55s):
And it’s really interesting to just think about it. It’s like, we are consumers, we will buy these things, but no one thinks about the origin or how it came into play or why roses are so expensive. Cuz they were telling us how cheap they are in Ecuador and then when it’s outside of there, how expensive it is. Well they have a short shelf life, right? And then they’re gonna die. So they need to be expensive because they need to ship it fast and do this and that. And so I, I love it cuz even when I was looking through your episodes log, I was even thinking like, all of this stuff sounds so intriguing to me, but that’s just my mind of loving those type of random information and putting it all together.
6 (36m 31s):
Oh yeah. Some of the more popular episodes were on the history of cheese Chickens. I did read one recently on the history of coffee. So, and, and you know, I’ve done things on math and science as well. I did an episode that I explained how some infinities are bigger than other infinities, which was a rather difficult one to do without any sort of visual aids. Yeah, it, it’s, it’s, it runs the gamut and it’s for people that are curious and a lot of people are not. And I ultimately think when you, when you get right down to it, that’s why at least it’s why I traveled. Because if, if you’re not a curious person, you probably have no desire to travel, you have no desire to see how other people live and things around the world and and, and whatnot.
6 (37m 13s):
And if you are a curious person then I think, you know, travel is probably the, the world’s greatest education you can get.
1 (37m 19s):
And one thing I really love about your episodes is they’re, you know, 10 to 15 minutes long. So it’s not like you’re committing an hour or two to listen. You can literally pop in your car on your way to work anywhere you’re going running an errand and you can be done with the episode and have learned a ton about an area or a subject. And I think that’s probably what really attracts people too, is just, just the length of time your episodes are as well.
6 (37m 44s):
Yeah, that’s something I kind of found out. A lot of things I found out by accident. People started saying that they listen with their kids when they take ’em to school. There’s a restaurant in the Philippines that plays my podcast nonstop in the background, oh my gosh, of the restaurant. I’ve had truck drivers who basically say, yeah, I’m attending Truck Driver University by listening to your show on the road, male carriers that listen to it. So people from from all different walks of life are listening to it. And I even created this thing called the Completionist Club for people that have listened to every episode, which I’ve done over a thousand now. So that’s no small task. How
1 (38m 22s):
Many people are in the completion club?
6 (38m 24s):
It’s in the hundreds. I’ve been the, there’s a list on the Facebook group, but only a very small number of people listen to the show are actually in the Facebook group. But yeah, and then we we’re opening up international branches. I’m getting people from all over the world that are saying, you know, there’s a guy in the Netherlands, one from Japan who’s just in the Completionist Club, another from South Africa. So it’s, it’s, yeah, I, I I start, I created the show that I wanted to listen to period. And I figured if I am interested in these things, there’s gotta be other people out there that are interested as well. And that’s kind of what happened.
0 (38m 59s):
That’s very cool. You’re being very genuine to yourself and you’re having great success with it. What a dream, right?
6 (39m 6s):
Yeah, I I, I’m enjoying doing it and people, you know, saying, oh, when are you gonna travel again? It’s like, I’ll travel again. But also remember I’ve traveled a lot, I have traveled far more than 99.99% of all humans on this planet. So I’m pretty good. I got a lot of that outta my system. I will travel again, but right now this is kind of the thing I’m doing and I’ll get back on the road eventually. I
0 (39m 30s):
Love that. Well, since you have been to hundreds of places far and wide, we wanted to play a little game with you. We teased this last time we talked to you, but a little segment on can we Stump Gary and we’re gonna quick fire a few random destinations that maybe you haven’t even heard of. We’ll find out and then you tell us something to see or do or an experience you had there or something someone should know.
6 (39m 60s):
0 (40m 1s):
You ready for it? Sure. All right. First one, we’re gonna warm you up. Not too hard hitting you with the Pharaoh Islands.
6 (40m 9s):
I’ve not been to the Pharaoh Islands. Whoa. I was, I was planning a trip there in 2020 and it got canceled due to Covid and just never came back to it. So
0 (40m 20s):
What were you planning to do there?
6 (40m 22s):
Wow. Take pictures, drive around. The same thing you do in most places. It’s one of the few places in Europe that I haven’t been to. So that was kind of high on my list and yeah, I just haven’t gotten there yet.
0 (40m 35s):
Okay, well let’s try this one. Bhutan
6 (40m 39s):
Also haven’t been there, but e even though even these places I haven’t been, I’ve, I’ve like planned what I’m gonna do. So the thing with Bhutan is you basically have to be on an organized trip and you gotta spend like 400 bucks a day to be in Bhutan, except they just opened up several towns on the border with India that you can go into and I think stay for up to 72 hours without this requirement. So if you wanted to visit Bhutan and not spend a lot of money, you can just do it by land if you come in from India,
2 (41m 7s):
I love it. So on any of these that we give you that you have not been, tell us what you know about it and let’s see if we can stump you with not knowing anything on that end too. So I know next one. Alva
6 (41m 21s):
Ard is the usually considered to be the northern most city in the world. Again, I haven’t been there, but it’s also home of the Alva Seed Bank, which I’ve done a podcast episode on. And it’s a repository, it’s a genetic repository for plants, seeds from all over the world. It’s actually not hard to get to because it’s, it’s a domestic flight in Norway. So if you wanted to visit, it’s just a matter of going to Norway and booking a ticket and there’s hotels and whatnot in Fbar. And the people I know that have gone there have told me that it’s pretty easy to get around and if you go there in the winter, there is no light cuz you are far above the Arctic circle. So,
2 (41m 56s):
Well I know you said you haven’t been there, but beyond the seed bank that’s there, which I am well aware of myself, you failed to mention going there to see polar bears. I feel like that’s one of the big things, but people go to do well,
6 (42m 8s):
So a lot of people have been on the, there’s arctic ships that go around Albar and that’s because I don’t think Fbar is the best place to see polar bears. If you want to go see polar bears, you go to Churchill, Manitoba, that is the number one spot. And to give you an example, I was there several years ago, we saw 43 polar bear in one day. Wow. If you go to spa bard, you’re gonna be on a boat and in the distance you may see a polar bear on shore. I was literally five feet from a polar bear. And you
2 (42m 37s):
Live the tail?
6 (42m 39s):
Well no, you’re in a, what’s called a tundra buggy, which is basically a cross between a school bus and a monster truck. So they have very high wheels. So the bears, even if they’re up in their hind legs, cannot reach anything and bears can’t jump. So Churchill is by far a better polar bear experience if that’s what you want to have. So when I, whenever polar bears comes up, that’s always what I mentioned. That’s fbar. Well
2 (42m 59s):
I’m glad you mentioned Churchill because I recently became aware of Churchill myself. Somebody was telling us about their ventures up there, how you have to take the train, the train goes up like once every couple days, so then you’re kind of stuck up there for a little bit of time. Or at least that’s how they were describing it too. But they were saying that they saw lots of polar bears.
6 (43m 16s):
You don’t have to take the train. For several years the train was not running because the track across the tundra got screwed up one spring when the, the, the ground shifted, you can fly there from Winnipeg that, that’s how I did it. And you can even go up there in the summer and they have beluga whales that come in from Hudson Bay and they have a beluga whale experience that you can go see. And then in the polar bear season is roughly gonna be October, November the polar bear come and wait for the sea ice to freeze. And then there’s also the northern lights that they have viewing areas for kind of the rest of the winter. I went up there another time once and they had this popup dining experience at Ford Princes, the Fort Princes of Wales and we were really just out kind of in the middle of the ice and they had this fantastic chef and a meal and everything and it was a great experience.
6 (44m 5s):
0 (44m 6s):
I love that. And can you see the Northern Lights during that time too?
6 (44m 10s):
During like October? Yeah. During the Polar bear season. Oh yeah. One of the best northern Lights I’ve ever seen was in late August up in Northern Labrador. And I remember we were up at visiting Toga Mountains National Park and they had these small little geodesic dome things where you stay and it was like one in the morning and someone’s banging on my door, it’s, it’s like, Gary, get your camera. And so I come out and it was just like the, the sky was on fire and it was the, and and that was in late August so it certainly doesn’t have to be in the winter.
0 (44m 41s):
That’s good to know. The the cold weather up there always kind of like scares me away a little bit, but I think it’d be worth it.
6 (44m 48s):
It’s temporary and they got in inside the tundra buggies, it’s quite warm.
0 (44m 54s):
Oh, good to know. Okay, here’s another destination for you. Qatar. Monte Negro.
6 (44m 59s):
Oh, COTA. Yeah. So I’ve been there a couple times. I was there a few years ago. The Bay of Cottar is, it’s right next to Dubrovnik and I often recommend people stay in Cottar rather than Dubrovnik because it’s way cheaper in Montenegro, like significantly cheaper. And the Bay of Cottar is this weird bay within a bay. If you look at a map, there’s like the bay and then there’s like this inland and then there’s another bay inside the bay. Cottar is a lot like Dubrovnik in, that’s the city walls, same kind of architecture, but not nearly as many people know about it. Most people visit on a cruise ship that’s kind of visiting, you know, the Dalmatian coast or or that area and, but there’s also a lot of very cool stuff to see in the rest of Montenegro as well.
6 (45m 46s):
And you can rent a car from Kotor. I was in Hertzig Novi, which is on the other side of the bay, very, very close to the border of Croatia. And I was in this old Soviet era hotel, you know, very, not very fancy. But from there I was able to explore all of Montenegro by car cuz it’s a very small country.
2 (46m 6s):
Yeah, Brittanie and I have been to Kota and Montenegro of course in general and all around and we told people all the time, we were like Montenegro, like we loved it. We absolutely loved it. What underrated country, that’s for sure.
6 (46m 20s):
I think all of the Balkans kind of scare people because they don’t, they’re not, it’s not something they’re familiar with. But even like Sarajevo and Bosnia and, and Macedonia, these places, I, I had a good time in all of them. Even Albania, I, I, I don’t, and it’s the cheapest part of Europe by a wide
2 (46m 38s):
Eastern area is always good for the, the US dollar to go use over there and get a lot for your
6 (46m 45s):
Buck. Yeah. And English is, is I would say widely spoken, maybe not universally, it’s not like going to the Netherlands or anything, but I don’t think you’re gonna have a problem getting around.
2 (46m 54s):
Next one on the list here for you Gary, see if we can stump you on it. Forgive the pronunciation. Both of these ones are gonna be a little bit hard to pronounce, but Sectra, if you know that
6 (47m 3s):
One, the island of Sectra in Yemen. Yeah. It’s just off the, So Sectra has a very unique ecosystem and if you ever see pictures you’ll see some very funky looking trees. Socotra is, if you wanna try to visit every country, if you wanna visit Yemen and say you visited Yemen, Socotra is by far the easiest and safest part of Yemen to get to because it’s an island and a lot of the war and the other things that are happening in Yemen are not happening there. Last I heard there were direct flights to Socotra from Dubai, but that’s something you might want to check on. So if you wanted to cross Yemen off your list, there are two ways to do it.
6 (47m 43s):
I think that most people do. Socotra is one, and then the other option is you can go 10 kilometers over the border from Oman and there’s like a village there. You can have lunch and kind of say I was in Yemen and then go back.
2 (47m 56s):
I’m really surprised. Do you? Well I shouldn’t say I’m surprised, you know, a lot so, but nonetheless shocking for anyone I think to get that one. I’m not
6 (48m 5s):
Looking this up on Google.
2 (48m 7s):
No, I I know, I I that I can see you’re, you’re hitting this with us rapidly. I don’t know Mandarin. So again, forgive the pronunciation on this one, but Jean,
6 (48m 17s):
I have no idea what you’re talking
2 (48m 19s):
About. It’s spelled Lee, h a n g i a j i e
0 (48m 25s):
In China. I
6 (48m 26s):
Think you’ve, I think you’ve stumped me.
2 (48m 28s):
Okay. Oh,
0 (48m 31s):
6 (48m 31s):
Only I am, let me just say I’ve not, I have been to the People’s Republic of China, but I’ve only been to Hyn Island, so that is an enormous chunk of the earth with a lot of stuff that I’ve just not explored. So I, there’s a lot about China. I don’t know.
2 (48m 47s):
Well, and again, maybe if I was pronouncing it correctly too, you may have gotten it. So I’ll give you that credit cuz you do know a lot. But Ji is the national park that is almost inspired what the, what avatar looks like. Those famous kind of like little
6 (49m 5s):
Yeah, the limestone pillars. Yes. I, I think I know what you’re talking about visually. I just, I didn’t know the name of it.
2 (49m 13s):
Well, we’ll take that as a half stump then and not, not a full stump. I’m Gary
0 (49m 19s):
I think China’s such an underrated destination that, like you were saying earlier, people are probably a little scared of, but we did a tour there, we went to some of the main cities with a tour company and just absolutely loved it. Had low expectations, but it was far exceeding them.
6 (49m 36s):
Got any others? We
1 (49m 37s):
Do have just a few more. We have Captia in Turkey.
6 (49m 43s):
I have not been to Kasia again, I’ve, I’ve kind of planned what I would do there. Hot air ballooning seems to be a big thing. If you ever see photos, the, it’s primarily best known for its rock formations. And there’s a lot of cities, I don’t know if you’d call ’em cities, but places where people lived in the rocks where they literally carved out dwellings. Cool. Turkey is another place that I think I’ve, I’ve not explored sufficiently. I’ve been to Istanbul and basically explored the old city of Constantinople and that’s about it. So a lot of the, just around the, the gnc, there’s so much there, there’s so many ruins and so many things to see in that area. And I’ve, I’ve really not explored it. I could easily spend probably a month or two just Exploring the, you know, just, just the western part of Turkey, let alone going into like Kasha and stuff.
6 (50m 30s):
What about the Atu Desert? The Atacama Desert in Chile. I’ve done a podcast on it. Not been to that part of Chile. I’ve only been in the southern part of Chile, but it’s the driest place in the world. It is home to the largest telescope in the southern hemisphere in one half of the Gemini telescopes. One of them is on Monay and Hawaii and the other one is in the Atacama. And the reason why it’s such a popular spot for telescopes in the southern hemisphere is because there’s basically no rain ever. So there’s no clouds, which means that you have a large amount of viewing time and it’s also kind of in the middle of nowhere, so there’s no light pollution and it’s a reasonably high elevation.
1 (51m 13s):
Yeah. The next destination we’re going to try to stump you on is probably one of my favorite destinations we’ve been to, which is Lake Blood and Slovenia.
6 (51m 20s):
Again, you’re finding places I haven’t been. I’ve only been to Lu. I was, I was, I was on a cruise that left from Venice, and so I went like three weeks early and I just ran around like Central Europe, going to Hungary, Slovenia, Czech, Republican places, and I, and I went through Slovenia, but I never got up to Lake Blood.
1 (51m 42s):
You’ll definitely have to go. I absolutely loved it. It was so picturesque with the lake. And then we even went up to the castle, we went to the church on the island and it was great. We had a good time there.
6 (51m 55s):
The Bay of Cottor has a church on the island too. I don’t know if you’ve seen that, but we didn’t make it there. Oh, I’ve seen the, the, the pictures of Lake bled like that and there was a place in the Bay of Koor that reminded me very much. It looks very similar to that. Well, even though you were saying you haven’t been to a lot of the ones we’re giving you, you at least know of them and something about them, which is very impressive to say, oh, I’m, I’m really good at geography. I have a, I have a bar trick where I can name every country in the top of the world or in the world off the top of my head, and then just as an added bonus, I can even throw in territories and autonomous regions and stuff like that.
0 (52m 33s):
Do you know the capitals of countries and states too?
6 (52m 38s):
Not as much because I don’t really care about that. And there’s a lot of places that are capitals that it really doesn’t even, like we have a, we have a need to to say that there’s a capital for a given country, but there are some places like Naru, the country’s so small, it’s just one tiny island. And well, it’s just the capital is the, the building that houses the government just happens to be next to the airport over in this section. It’s not a capital city, it’s just that part of the island that everyone needs to call it yarn. And I remember listening to a BBC airport once, it’s like officials in yarn today. It’s like, no, it’s officials near the airport. Cuz that’s all it is.
6 (53m 19s):
And there’s a lot of places like that where there’s, you know, I suppose on paper it’s a capital city, but it’s really just an island or, you know, that’s, that’s where they happen to put the government house. So capital cities don’t, don’t mean too much to me. Well,
2 (53m 31s):
We’re gonna hit you with one last one. The aisle of Sky.
6 (53m 34s):
The Is of Sky Off Scotland.
2 (53m 37s):
Yes. Yes.
6 (53m 39s):
Any UNESCO World Heritage Site? Is that off the western coast of Scotland? I believe
2 (53m 46s):
You’ve even stumped us on this one. One or a girl.
6 (53m 49s):
2 (53m 49s):
One on here, and I’m not necessarily too sure on it, but you know what, if you’re saying it, I believe it
6 (53m 54s):
Gary, I I, if I am correct, I think the is of Sky is the UNESCO World Heritage Site off Scotland. And I know that because I, again, I was planning a trip to Scotland and I was gonna visit it and I know there’s ferry, I know there’s ferry service in the summer and that’s, that’s about as much of it as I know that I can give off the top of my head.
2 (54m 16s):
Excellent. Well, I would say in this one we did not succeed in really stumping you. You impressed us thoroughly on this one.
6 (54m 24s):
Oh, well I, when you, when you travel around the world that much, it just kind of happens.
2 (54m 29s):
Well, wrapping things up here, Gary, why don’t you just take a little bit of time again, you know, tell us what’s next for your podcast and about your website, so social and all of that information so our listeners know where to find you.
6 (54m 43s):
All you need to do is wherever you are listening to this podcast right now, search for everything everywhere daily and you can start listening immediately. It does not matter what order you listen to the episodes, start with whatever peaks your interest and go from there. Awesome. All of my other social things I don’t care about, just listen to the podcast.
0 (55m 1s):
One last question for you, Gary, because I, I know how you feel about social and podcasts seem to be forcing us into video. Do you have any plans to incorporate video into your podcast?
6 (55m 16s):
Yes and no. It is not going to become a video podcast, meaning I’m not going to record myself creating it. However, I may end up repositioning some of the scripts I’ve done and rerecording it for YouTube videos, but it’s gonna be a completely separate thing. There’s a lot of educational channels on YouTube that are really nothing more than B-roll footage and stock footage with some sort of voiceover. And I think what I do would lend itself very good to that. But if, and when I do that, I’m gonna hire someone basically to do the video production. We may do small edits to the script, I’ll rerecord it cuz the recording part is actually really easy and it would be a separate thing.
6 (55m 57s):
It would not be a video version of the podcast, it would be a separate YouTube channel. I think asking podcasters to do video is like telling people that own a restaurant that they should become farmers. I mean, kind of similar, but they’re a very different thing. And the where and when people listen to audio are places you cannot listen or, or watch video. And they serve very, very different purposes. And to be quite frank, from a business standpoint, podcasting is way better than YouTube unless you can amass an enormous YouTube audience. So if you’re Mr. Beast or someone like that, you can do, yeah, you can do very well on YouTube. I’m not saying you can’t, but I am saying that and, and with podcasting, you know, you’ve probably heard the stories of some channel on YouTube that just disappears one night.
6 (56m 43s):
Right. They just take it down. They don’t provide an explanation. And if you put all your eggs in that basket, you can have your entire livelihood taken away from you in a moment. Yeah. Podcasting. That can’t happen. Right. It’s an RSS reader. People are listening to this show right now and many different devices. They might be listening to it on the website if one of them goes down. There are others to replace it. And that’s what I really love about it. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s something that’s, it’s not fragile.
0 (57m 12s):
All right. Well, we will fight the good fight to keep audio podcasting and Gary. You’re welcome back anytime. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing all your knowledge and your travel InSpa with us.
6 (57m 25s):
No, I’m happy to do it. If you ever want me back, just let me know.
2 (57m 27s):
Yeah. Thank you very much, Gary. I really appreciated this conversation and I love talking and I will say this clearly, you know more than me, but the topics fascinate you, fascinate me. So it’s fun to talk to somebody like-minded and who appreciates kind of random knowledge that way.
6 (57m 43s):
Yeah. Thanks. You’ll, you’ll enjoy the, my podcast then.
2 (57m 46s):
I I, you will.
0 (57m 48s):
And if we ever need a trivia partner, we know who we’re going for.
6 (57m 52s):
I am your trivia hookup.
2 (57m 55s):
All right. Thank you Gary.
0 (57m 56s):
Thank you Scotties for tuning into this week’s episode. Keep the adventures going with us by following us on Instagram at TikTok YouTube, at Travel Squad Podcast, and tag us in your adventures. If
2 (58m 7s):
You found the information, this episode would be useful, or if you thought we were just playing funny, please be sure to share it with a friend that would enjoy it too. And as always, please subscribe, rate and review our podcast and tune in every travel Tuesday for new episodes.
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Tuned for next week’s episode. We have some more amazing adventures in store for you.
Bye squadies!