Episode 140 is taking you inside the good, the great, the bad and ugly of bathrooms around the world. You know we can’t do an episode without talking about the bathroom experience so we dedicated a whole episode to it. Just try to listen without laughing!
We take it country by country telling stories from bathrooms in Thailand, bathrooms in Europe, bathrooms in Mexico, and more! We share some scary experiences, but we also share some of the best bathrooms in the world that we’ve been to – both intentionally, and those we fell upon by accident. You’d be surprised how many instagrammable bathrooms there are in some of the most inconspicuous places!
We also share what to expect from bathrooms in different cultures – like paying to use it, bringing your own TP, and squatty potties.

Bathrooms Around the World – Episode Transcript
3 (58s):
Welcome to this week’s episode of the Travel Squad podcast. Today. We are so, so excited to bring you this episode, talking about Bathrooms Around The World. I know it sounds a little bit silly, but you know us here at the Travel Squad Podcast, we always love to talk about the bathroom situation. So here we’re bringing out the best and the worst of all our travel experiences.
1 (1m 19s):
Yes, I am so excited to talk about this. And from what we’ve seen on our Instagram, you guys are also very excited for us to talk about this who doesn’t love to talk about bathroom situations. And we, as a squad, always hook it up with the scoop on the bathroom situation. I don’t think we’ve gone like a podcast episode yet where we’ve gone to a destination and not address something bathroom related.
2 (1m 44s):
We have to bring all the details to the people.
1 (1m 47s):
Yep. So we’ve seen some of the best. We’ve seen some of the worst and everything in between. And so we’re going to tell you about the good, bad, and the ugly
2 (1m 56s):
Bathrooms can be a really shitty experience,
3 (1m 59s):
No pun intended,
2 (2m 1s):
But they can also be a very beautiful experience and you can be blown away by how cool some of these bathrooms are. And you never really know what you’re going to get, because sometimes you can be in like a really shady kind of like hole in the wall, go into the bathroom. You’re pleasantly surprised. Or maybe it’s the opposite. You’re at a nicer place and go into the bathroom. It looks like a war torn explosion went off.
3 (2m 23s):
I was like, what the hell is this?
2 (2m 24s):
It’s like, yeah, there’s some crazy stuff. So that’s one of my favorite things about traveling with you guys. We go to the bathroom someplace and we’re like, how was it? Tell me about it.
1 (2m 34s):
We want to know.
2 (2m 35s):
Yes. And so this is part of travel and I’m excited to get in and get our hands dirty,
3 (2m 41s):
Real experience of travel. That is for sure,
1 (2m 43s):
Hands dirty with Kim
2 (2m 45s):
Getting all up in there.
1 (2m 47s):
So we’re going to start this episode, offer some tips and we got a few for you. First one is to pack some TP and a little bag. So what I do is whether I’m going hiking or of country, I will roll up a few pieces of toilet paper and put a whole bunch in a bag and just put that in my purse and carry that around. Just in case I get to a situation where there’s no toilet paper in a stall,
3 (3m 11s):
Well, you say hiking or out of country. We even have TP and bags and baby wipes just in our cars for every day road trip experiences, whether we’re renting a car or even here locally, I mean, you always have tissue in the bag and you mean, you just really never know when you may have to go on the side of the road, right?
1 (3m 29s):
Another tip for you is to pack a Shihwae. She leaves. I discovered when we were going to Peru and we were going to be hiking on the trail and Kim and I were like, woo, what’s the squat situation going to be like, so we bought some Sheely’s and it’s great. If you go to a place that you don’t want to sit down in, it’s great for camping. And also really great. If you happen to wear a romper, that’s loose around the legs that you can just squeeze in and pee and not have to take the whole romper.
3 (3m 58s):
Yeah. For you ladies out there consider it to be a funnel that allows you to do your deed while you’re standing in a way. So it makes it a lot, lot simpler. And you’re right. You discovered it for the Inca trail. Did you even really use it on the Inca trail? One? I feel like I’ve seen you use it so much more as of late, but you bought it from the Inca trail. I never really used it. Another good chip. You ladies are going to love this one. Download offline maps. I’m just kidding. I felt like we couldn’t have a tips portion without saying, download offline maps. It has nothing to do with the bathrooms, but I thought I’d throw that in there for a little bit of humor. Maybe he ladies didn’t appreciate it.
2 (4m 35s):
That would be a great feature that Google could offer. Is the bathroom locator in their maps.
3 (4m 41s):
That would be a good one. Google. I hope you’re listening, but that really wasn’t a tip. It was my attempt at a joke. I guess
1 (4m 46s):
Another tip is if you’re in another country, make sure you have change in the currency. You need a lot of places around the world. Do you charge for you to use their San Antonio, the bathrooms, the loo, anything like that? WC. So make sure to have change in the currency you need just for bathroom trips.
3 (5m 5s):
And when we say change, I mean, we mean change, not like bills and things like that. I mean, Europe, Latin America, all over the place. I feel like the United States and maybe even Canada is the exception that has free public restrooms, anywhere else around the world, more than not, you’re going to have to pay. And it’s usually, you’d like less than a dollar or like a Euro for that matter. So you want change in coins, not in bills.
2 (5m 29s):
Here’s another tip for you, whether you are using a public restroom or using one at your hotel. If you’re traveling with a group like a squad like us bring Poo-Pourri, it will, it will save your trip.
1 (5m 42s):
What is Poo-Pourri for the people that don’t know?
2 (5m 45s):
It’s basically like a scented. It has some kind of essential oils in it’s. You spray it in the toilet before you go. And it prevents the poo smell from spreading and ruining friendships,
1 (5m 56s):
3 (5m 57s):
Friendships. Well, you’re right. I mean, I guess that’s good for a hotel in a public restroom. I guess it doesn’t really matter unless it’s like a one stall or like one room restroom and then your friend is waiting there behind you, but also there’s a stranger out there and you don’t want the stranger to be like, oh, what does this person just do here before me?
2 (6m 13s):
The, or maybe you’re traveling with your lover for the first time. You don’t want to
3 (6m 18s):
Embarrass yourself,
2 (6m 19s):
Right? Maybe you have your stomachs on the Fritz from all the international foods you’re trying.
1 (6m 25s):
That’s true that
3 (6m 27s):
We love our Poo-Pourri here at the Travel Squad Podcast.
2 (6m 30s):
Been through many of them
3 (6m 30s):
Several times. Yes, Kim got it for us for Christmas one year. What a great gift that was. We still talk about it to this day because it is very essential.
2 (6m 39s):
If you guys are looking to purchase it, you can actually go to our website, Travel Squad, Podcast dot com. We have a page on there that lists all our favorite travel items. And you know, the pooper is going to be on there.
3 (6m 48s):
Yes. And so if you love the content that you hear here, when you go to the Travel Squad Podcast and our website click our favorite travel links, it definitely does support our podcast. And we are very, very appreciative of that when it does happen. And the final tip that we have for you, I guess this should have been kind of a twofer when we talked about packing your own TB, but pack your own hand sanitizer. Some places that you go to believe it or not, no sinks. If they have sinks, they have running water, but then they don’t have soap for you. So you want to have your own hand sanitizer. And obviously if you’re out in nature, hiking, you know, we love hikes. You need it for that aspect, but a lot of places around the world, believe it or not, the sinks are lacking. And so is the soap.
2 (7m 27s):
I recently discovered a new type of product and it has many purposes. It’s called Colonia. Apparently it’s very big in Turkey,
3 (7m 36s):
Colonia. Yeah.
2 (7m 37s):
It’s very customary to be in your home and in Turkey. But this company called east sauce. They sell different sizes of it and they sell like little travel size. So it’s this little spritz bottle. You spritz it on your hands. It’s a sanitizer. So it cleanses your hands without water. It smells so good. It’s like a light perfume that just leaves your hands smelling so good. It actually has skincare ingredients. So it improves the look of the skin of your hands. It’s 10 out of 10. Amazing. If you’re going to pick sanitizer or that I would go with the Colonia.
1 (8m 6s):
Good to know. Didn’t even know about it till
2 (8m 8s):
Now. It’s amazing. Truly.
1 (8m 10s):
So as we dive into the bathrooms, we’re going to start here in the good old USA.
3 (8m 15s):
Yeah. So we’re going to talk obviously about the USA. This is our home country, our home base, but we’re going to go to a whole bunch of different countries that we’ve gone to. We’re not going to go. All of these are the best. These are the worst. We’re just going to kind of go down the list. And I really do feel like it’s fun because each country Bathrooms aside have its own unique cultural things. But honestly, then that also carries into the restroom, you know, in terms of like sanitation for some countries and even religion comes into play in terms of the sanitation and restrooms, depending on what part of the world you’re in and things like that. So when we talk about this, we’re talking about our experiences. We’re not necessarily saying every place in this country is terrible or every place in this country is great when we’re talking about it, but just giving you our experiences that we’ve had along the way.
3 (8m 59s):
And I mean, we’ve been talking about this episode for a long time. I’m really so stoked to get into it. Ladies let’s get into it. USA. Let’s get
2 (9m 5s):
1 (9m 5s):
So my biggest pet peeve about the U S Bathrooms is why are there gaps between the restroom stalls? Like you can like walk by and see if someone’s in there.
3 (9m 14s):
It’s one of the most uncomfortable things when I’m sitting in a restroom, stall in a public place, and then you make that accidental eye contact with the person and they know that your name or something like that. I mean like why, you know, like you go on to Buzzfeed. I don’t know how many of you squaddies love to go to Buzzfeed. I do, but I love to see the things where they compare things in other countries. And the foreigners always say, what’s up with the gap in the bathrooms. And then if you live here your whole life, you know, no different than you go to other countries. And you’re just like, Ugh, why aren’t our bathrooms like this? Like I hate that. I contact so odd. So odd. What’s up with the gap.
2 (9m 49s):
It’s weird for sure. But you know, what’s weirder is when there’s no doors at all.
1 (9m 54s):
Oh, like in like park bathroom.
2 (9m 55s):
Yes. A lot of parks do not have doors on the stall. Actually. I was at a park maybe a month ago and I had to go to the bathroom and there was two, the last one was disgusting, which is often at parks to the first one. I was like, oh, all right. I guess I have to go in this one. Someone walks in, they walk in on me.
3 (10m 14s):
When you say parks, are you talking national parks or like public parks? Yeah. I feel like even at the beach also they have the open, you know what? It’s really weird. And our hometown of Woodland ladies, you both went to Lee middle school. Right? I went to Douglas, they had one restroom and Douglas that had no stalls scores. Can you imagine in a school in junior high, no stall door. I swear to you that not, it’s not, it’s not like they just, oh, I fell off the hinge and I had hinges. There were no doors and one of the restrooms. Yeah. I know. I can’t even believe it. So even in schools, but you know, restrooms here in the U S it’s like, unless they’re just out of toilet paper, the good news is you can always expect to find toilet paper here in the U S everybody has it.
3 (10m 57s):
Whereas in other countries you never know, like, are they going to have toilet paper or not? The only time you’re not going to have it is are they out? And they just didn’t stock it, which could definitely happen. That’s why we go back toward tip, carry toilet paper. Doesn’t matter here or in other countries habit.
2 (11m 11s):
And in the U S you can flush your toilet paper. And it wasn’t until I started traveling outside of the U S that I realized other countries don’t always flush their
3 (11m 19s):
Pages. They don’t build their septic tanks to take the paper.
1 (11m 22s):
And not a lot of countries have toilets. He covers like
2 (11m 25s):
Bright. That’s
1 (11m 26s):
The thing of the U S I feel most of the time,
2 (11m 29s):
The nice thing I’ve noticed in the U S since traveling and realizing they don’t do it over there as much is that, you know, most of our bathrooms are free. Even if there are public restrooms, occasionally there will be places you have to pay like 50 cents or something,
3 (11m 44s):
Or you have to be a patron to use it. Right?
2 (11m 47s):
Yep. But most places are free. Some businesses, though, if you’re like not from the U S and you’re coming here to visit, just know that sometimes there’s a lock on the door where you need a key, or you need a code to get in. You just go up to the front and ask, and they’ll usually let you in.
1 (11m 60s):
And usually those are like enlarger, busier city.
2 (12m 3s):
I sketchy
1 (12m 4s):
Sketchy area
3 (12m 5s):
Or places where you’re downtown, or they don’t want people hanging out in the restrooms and using drugs. I mean, it’s a sad reality, but that is life, you know? So in downtown areas, that’s where you’ll really find that more. But if you’re driving along the beautiful interstate system here in the U S rest stops road stops, anything like that, you know, free public restrooms.
1 (12m 24s):
Yeah. You know, the U S especially the west coast, I feel like there is a good amount in at least California of rest stops that you can use.
2 (12m 31s):
Yeah. Rest stops. There’s tons of them. I’ve been in some really luxurious bathrooms in the U S and I just loved to
1 (12m 39s):
Tell me about them.
2 (12m 40s):
So there’s one at the Cromwell. If you’re staying at the chroma in Las Vegas, they have the coolest bathroom where like the shower door, it lines up with the living space of the hotel room. And when you’re in the shower, you turn the light off. It kind of goes see-through. So it becomes this like sexy shower door
3 (12m 58s):
2 (12m 59s):
And it’s just like a sexy looking bathroom. And then that’s the shower, not the toilet, but same, same right.
3 (13m 6s):
Bathroom situation is bathroom. You
2 (13m 8s):
Could pee in the shower.
3 (13m 10s):
You could, you could, they have a Seinfeld episode about somebody doing that. That’s a little, much Kevin, a little much, but you know, like you’re talking luxury and in Vegas, and you know, in San Francisco, they have self cleaning, public restrooms. You walk in there and the door closes behind you. You do your business, you leave. And before the next person comes in, it does like a one minute clean. Downworld put a sanitization spray. And I had heard about those before. Never really used them. I’ve seen them. I’ve just never made the point to use them. But finally, you know, as the podcast has developed, and we continue to talk about bathrooms, we’re like, we got to go in one moment. The next time that we were in San Francisco, not as cool as people would think they are.
3 (13m 52s):
I almost felt, even though I knew it was clean, I felt dirty because they split so much water. It’s like wet on the floor. And even the toilet seat is wet too, like mist, or like, you know, when you wake up in the morning and there’s like, do that’s on your car windshield or something. That’s what it felt like in there. So, I mean, I know it’s clean, but it left me with that sense of being dirty. And I guess this is really anywhere in the world, but the United States, right? Like, I feel like I know what I’m getting. You could always come across like the terrible ones, but I’m always so concerned about like gas station restrooms when that’s it. I feel like that’s the worst of the worst here in America is like a gas station restaurant that you could come across. And then when they’re really nice, I’m so happy about it.
3 (14m 34s):
You know, who has really good ones. People would think otherwise trucker stops because they have showers and they want to do all that stuff. And they’re like pristine in there, but regular like gas station Bathrooms, you like this, the worst, the worst in America, I feel like,
2 (14m 47s):
Hm, I’d have to agree. Yeah. You know, in the truck stop Bathrooms, you can usually hear some nice country music that they have playing to
3 (14m 57s):
Get you in the mood to use the restroom. I guess at that
2 (14m 59s):
Point, I do wish that the days were bigger here. I’ve only used one in the U S and that was at this rooftop bar at a hotel in New York city.
3 (15m 7s):
Now, was it like a day hose or by day, like within the toilet, or was it how it is in the mid east where they have the toilet and then the separate the day?
2 (15m 17s):
Oh, no. It was like connected to the toilet. The buttons were on the side of the wall. It had spray, it had heat,
3 (15m 23s):
Like in Japan,
2 (15m 24s):
It had a heated toilet seat. It was amazing.
1 (15m 27s):
Well, that sounds great. I don’t know. I don’t think any of the bathrooms in the us have been like, stand out for the best, but, you know, I’m pretty generally happy with us Bathrooms.
3 (15m 38s):
I mean, toilet paper, unless they just don’t stock it and toilet seats. And we’re going to talk about that later and not squaddies, we’ll go and talk about that later, too. So yeah. All in all, you know, we know what we’re getting, but this is our home territory. So we can’t deny. There’s a biased opinion behind that statement.
1 (15m 53s):
And, you know, even at the national parks, they usually have pretty decent toilets. Some of them are volt toilets, which aren’t the best, but we know what we’re getting into.
3 (16m 2s):
Yeah. Vault toilet, if you don’t know it’s toilet seat, but into a hole versus just like a squat situation. But that’s like you said, you’re in a national park. They don’t really have it line for plumbing. But then when I go to national parks and they actually are plumbed and have like water running and flushable toilets, it’s like a godsend at that point.
2 (16m 19s):
Not always. We went to Mount Rainier, use the plumbed bathroom ahead of the hike. Did it. Great bathroom. Did the hike came back. It looked like a bomb went off. There was shit everywhere
3 (16m 33s):
Near you’re talking about Zion.
1 (16m 35s):
2 (16m 36s):
Oh, it was yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. That was something happened in there. It like,
3 (16m 43s):
Somebody just went wild. I remember you ladies coming out and talking about that. I’m just like, oh, the men’s one, you know, like, you’d think the men’s one would be worse. And then guys are coming out of the ladies talking about whoa,
2 (16m 53s):
3 (16m 53s):
I’m gonna see, you never know what you’re going to get anywhere in the world, I guess,
1 (16m 57s):
But we’re going to move on to Japan’s bathroom. Japan has some of the cleanest best toilets I’ve ever experienced worldwide. Would
2 (17m 5s):
You eat food off the toilet seat?
1 (17m 8s):
I don’t know.
3 (17m 9s):
I wouldn’t eat off of it, but Kim, let me put this in perspective to you. I have never used a subway or Metro restroom and felt like I am in a very, very clean place until I visited Japan. Like I went in there and I’m like, I could comfortably come into this place and hang out if I really needed to like it. Like it was clean, pristine. And the experience altogether as a whole was fantastic. So, I mean, I’ve talked to many times about how much I loved the restroom situation in Japan. Great. They take their sanitization seriously, just as a culture. They’re very clean people. You’re not going to find trash on the streets. You’re not going to really find like graffiti or anything.
3 (17m 50s):
No, not really at all. I feel like we didn’t see any at all. And they really take care of their environment around them. And the bathroom is no exception. And the sanitization continues on from there. I mean, the days you’re talking about that one in New York came and that’s why I asked. Cause you know, in the Mid-East they have separate the days. These ones here are like that. The days within the toilet seats heated have the buttons has the spray.
1 (18m 14s):
Some of them have them use it probably a little too noisy.
3 (18m 18s):
I mean, they’re high tech restrooms. Not only do they have a spray, we talked about this in the Japan Tokyo episode, still one of the best go back and listen to it where we’ve talked about puss and tush. And if you don’t know what we’re talking about, they have separate buttons that way. If you are a female and you need to wash whichever side, after having gone to the bathroom, there’s a button. And that knows where to spray to get you in your range for cleanliness.
2 (18m 42s):
If I was living in Japan, I would do posts and tush every time,
1 (18m 47s):
Every time,
3 (18m 48s):
2 (18m 48s):
If I didn’t need it
3 (18m 49s):
2 (18m 50s):
Get a nice squirt.
3 (18m 51s):
Yeah. Freshen up. Why not? I loved the bathrooms in Japan and I’m not exaggerating to you. Like really? We use the bathroom in the subway and it was great. What happened to you in the bathroom, in the subway? Wasn’t there like a story where somebody got locked in
1 (19m 6s):
Well in the handicap stall, someone fainted, and then you and Ryan had to get an attendant to help her into a wheelchair.
3 (19m 13s):
Paul, I don’t think I helped with that. That’s why I was asking him what the story was. It was Ryan who had done that, but didn’t you experience something when you used it in the handicap stall that you weren’t aware because it wasn’t in the regular stores. Yeah.
1 (19m 24s):
So in the handicap stalls, you can also on the bad day, there’s a dryer button. So after you wash your puss or tush, you could hit the dryer button and it’ll blow some air on that area. Amazing is dry you off. And you know, in like New York we’ve been on the subways and stuff, they don’t have bathrooms on the subways because I can imagine they’d be disgusting. Yeah. But in Japan, it’s very commonplace for all of the train stations, all of the metros to have bathrooms in the stations and they were all so clean.
2 (19m 57s):
Did you have to pay to use them? No, they
1 (19m 59s):
Were free.
3 (19m 59s):
They were free. Wow. You know, the worst place ironically that we use the restroom in Japan was at the Imperial palace. And the only reason why I say that is the bathroom wasn’t clean. It was the only place that we came across hotel, public outing, anywhere that did not have a bad day. Even at the top of Mount Fuji, Kim, there was a bad day and it was so cold because we were there in January at the top of Mount Fuji high volcano, we were freezing. You gave the analogy, would we eat off the toilet? And I said, you know, I would feel comfortable going in the bathroom and the subway and just kind of like hanging out there. We actually did that in Mount Fuji. Cause it was so cold and sat on the seat just to warm ourselves up. And we didn’t feel any problem with that because they are so clean.
3 (20m 42s):
And that seat warned me right up at the top of Mount Fuji. But in the Imperial palace, they did not have the days or heated seats. And I’m just like, mm, this is the Imperial palace. And this is the place where they’re lacking.
2 (20m 52s):
And no they’re not Squatty potties.
3 (20m 54s):
No, not at all.
2 (20m 55s):
1 (20m 56s):
So very different from the country. We’re about to jump into China. We had a whole different experience while we were there.
2 (21m 2s):
Who Squatty? Potties.
1 (21m 5s):
Yeah. I would say this is, we had been exposed to Squatty potties before, like while we were on the Inca trail, but this brings it to a whole new level. Like everywhere you go will be a Squatty. There’s really no like choosing in between except for at Disneyland.
3 (21m 20s):
And when we were at Disneyland or places where they’re starting and I hate to use the word like this, but it’s true. Like places are starting to get a little bit more modern metropolitan and China. And they are trying to bring in the Western toilets to be the norm. And obviously they are still keeping the traditional squaddies, but they even have to have signs when they bring in the traditional toilets. Like do not stand on these. You’re not supposed to stand and squat and you know what? You still go in there. And then you see the footprints on the toilet seat. Like people still want to squat.
2 (21m 49s):
Yep. I, I went and used the bathroom in one of the malls that we were in and there were footprints on the toilet seat.
3 (21m 57s):
Toilet seat covers in there camera. No,
2 (21m 59s):
No, definitely not.
3 (22m 1s):
I know. Cause it, cause there’s no toilet paper. That was the segue into it.
2 (22m 6s):
No toilet seats. In fact, even if like, well obviously, obviously there’s no toilet seat. It’s a Squatty potty. I just, I couldn’t get it. I didn’t, I wasn’t into it. You
1 (22m 17s):
Weren’t into
2 (22m 17s):
It. Brittany likes them.
1 (22m 19s):
Well, okay. What if they’re going to be like messy places? I would just rather squat then like sit on a dirty toilet seat. So especially if they’re not going to provide toilet paper or seat covers or anything like that, I don’t mind squatting, but you know, it’s very interesting, like getting the technique down because you’re like, do I face the door? Do I face away from the door? Like which way do you really stand? Sometimes when you’re in China and they have the squaddies they’ll have like the shoe marks. So yes. Point you in the direction and you’re going to
2 (22m 50s):
Sit and the little splash pad.
3 (22m 51s):
Yeah. Well, and that’s what I was going to say. Some of them will actually have the full orientation because it’s designed for you to put your feet in there and that gives you the clue of which way to go. But if nobody has ever seen a squat toilet, just please Google it right now. So you get the picture of what it is that we’re talking about. They’re not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, if people use them and that’s what they’ve always used and they’re clean, they’re great, but it’s squat. So if people’s aim as off or anything like that, I mean, sometimes we went in there and they were just like messy on the floor and it makes the experience worse than the actual squat, because now you’re in there and you feel dirty cause you’re in a dirty place. And then there’s the no toilet paper.
3 (23m 32s):
And if they have toilet paper, it’s not in the stall, it’s at the entrance door and it’s on a big roll and you got to take it with you in and you may not take as much as you need. I mean, I’m just going to say it. I mean, we never really know. Like I feel like we got to overestimate it. You
2 (23m 46s):
Follow the tips and you have packed some in your purse.
1 (23m 49s):
3 (23m 50s):
You know, who, you know, who didn’t get the packing in the purse game down in China. It was you and Brittany always packing it. And she’s like, oh, can I borrow some, I borrow some throwing shade, your way Zana. I know you’re still listening. So just letting you know, but I know you’re on top of it now, but yeah. You gotta bring your toilet paper when you’re out there. Yeah.
2 (24m 9s):
I mean, I don’t know, like number one. Okay. But number two, it’s just weird to be like, I don’t know. I feel like an animal doing it.
3 (24m 19s):
I mean, that’s the healthy way. That’s why they have the Squatty potty and like little seats. Cause you’re supposed to be in that position and it really helps. But I will say this everywhere that we stayed in a hotel wise was a Western toilet. We’re talking now to you about public restroom experiences.
2 (24m 34s):
I do wonder though, because we went with gate one, travel shutout, K one. And they typically pick hotels that are catering to the American traveler
3 (24m 43s):
For foreigners particularly. But
2 (24m 46s):
Yeah, it’s for sure. A lot of Americans that go on those trips, the ones we’ve been on at least. And I will say, I’m wondering if in a more localized Chinese hotel, if they might have Squatty potties,
3 (24m 58s):
That’s a good question that I I’m intrigued to know the answer to. Also Kim, I won’t lie to you about that, but I was going to say something and it slipped my mind. Oh no. Now I remember, do you remember? They took us to lunch. And then at that restaurant, it was a Squatty potty, but they had it set up to have the commode in there so somebody could sit. So it wasn’t a true toilet, but you put the commode over the squat. And so you could sit, do you remember that
1 (25m 24s):
Kubota is like a chair with a hole that will drop into like a toilet or the whole, but I would imagine that they would use that for maybe they’re elderly population that really can’t squat down that well, or the American that doesn’t know how to do it either.
3 (25m 40s):
Yeah, because commodes are quite honestly a medical device that they use here in the us for older people who can’t really even get on a traditional toilet because they’re lower. So they sit like at a higher elevation, but they had it in the restaurant. Maybe you didn’t go in there and it sat over the squat position so you can sit, but it was then just an open hole from the seat down into the squat toilet.
1 (26m 0s):
Hey travelers, let’s take a quick detour to talk all about our traveler itineraries that we’ve created just for you. We now have six different trip itineraries one week in Hawaii
2 (26m 11s):
And American Southwest weekend or road trip.
3 (26m 14s):
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1 (26m 17s):
The road trip adventure featuring all three of Washington. State’s national parks,
3 (26m 22s):
Big island, Hawaii, and an Arizona Roadtrip that features all three of Arizona’s national parks.
2 (26m 28s):
We are obsessed with these. These itineraries are 20 to 30 page PDF guides with every detail of the trip laid out. We’re talking where to fly into the exact route to take where to stay park entrance prices, where to eat and driving distance between attractions plus what things to see and do even the hikes we recommend and their mileage and the time to allow for each one and so much more.
1 (26m 49s):
I have story highlights on our Instagram at Travel Squad Podcast, where you can see the full guides. We’ve done all of the research and have taken these exact trips, taking out all of the guesswork from the planning. So all that you have to do is show up and have fun
3 (27m 3s):
Purchase your comprehensive Travel Squad Podcast, itinerary on our website at Travel Squad, Podcast dot com, best of all, they’re on sale right now for $30. So travel on over and get yours today.
2 (27m 14s):
Next country. And our list is one of the first big international trips that I took. And this was when we went to Peru and we hiked the Inca trail. So we got to see some nature bathrooms and we got to see some local Peruvian Bathrooms. So first thing in Peru, you cannot flush your teepee. And just like a lot of other places on this list and just in general for the world, bring your own teepee,
3 (27m 38s):
Bring your own teepee. But I said this earlier, and I’m going to say it again. Not just Peru. I feel like every place that I’ve been in Latin America is a no flush the toilet paper type situation. They will have trash bins in the stall, or if you’re in a hotel for that matter, they even will tell you like, do not flush toilet paper, place it in the trash bin.
2 (27m 57s):
And when we stayed at a hostel there, they actually came in and changed the trash like three times a day,
3 (28m 3s):
Which is really nice. Yeah. You’re going to think about it cause you’re in a hostile and you’re not supposed to flush and do this and that. But most of the time that we were in Peru, we were on the Inca trail. Let’s face it. And we were left to our own devices. It was either nature or the bathroom set up at camp every night, which was like, I think what everybody waited for if they could. But then that created a whole nother story. Now we had like 12 people waiting to use the restroom and it’s like sucks to be the last one in there.
2 (28m 28s):
Does it suck to the last one, worse than pooping out in the woods? Like someone else did.
3 (28m 34s):
I don’t know about that. I mean, to each their own, I guess, you know, for somebody who’s had to go out in nature, I guess it is what it is at that point. But you know, when we did the hike to rainbow mountain, it was just a squat and it was not even a toilet. They literally just had a hole in the ground for you guys too, because we’re out in the middle of nowhere at an elevation of 14,000 feet where they have like native still living and yeah, they literally had little hut hole in the ground and you ladies had to squat.
2 (29m 4s):
Yeah. They had like a tarp makeshift tent around a hole in the ground and they still had a day in there.
3 (29m 12s):
How of they have a good
2 (29m 12s):
Day? Just kidding.
3 (29m 15s):
I just watched my
2 (29m 15s):
3 (29m 15s):
I was going to say, cause I never used the restroom when we were having to go. And I was, as a matter of fact, going to say, I feel bad for you ladies. Cause obviously if it was just even number one, we were at such a high altitude. We couldn’t even walk 10 feet without being tired. I can’t imagine you ladies having to get your squat game on and the type of energy they would have to use at that high altitude. And it would just fatigue me.
1 (29m 36s):
You know, I don’t know if I packed my shoe for that person, but if I didn’t, I mean, I would go back if I were to do that again, pack my shoe for sure. Make it real easy. And while we were talking about going to the bathroom on the Inca trail, you know, alpaca expeditions really did it up with that toilet at camp. Like that was legit. The only thing is it can only hold so much. So I remember one day there was a little splash over from the toilet at camp.
3 (30m 2s):
That’s no good. I don’t remember that. You
1 (30m 4s):
Don’t remember w it was like we had all had dinner, all had drinks and everyone was going to the bathroom and it was just getting a little full. So some just pee was just kind of flowing out a little bit. And then they went and they went and
3 (30m 15s):
Dumped it well. So on the Inca trail, mind you, there’s only very few restrooms along the way. And they are all squat restrooms. Number one, number two. I forgot because it’s been so long now. There’s only certain times of the year where they actually come clean those restrooms also. And where we there, like right after cleaning or were there and they hadn’t cleaned yet
1 (30m 37s):
Clean. Like every February
3 (30m 38s):
They cleaned every February and we went in June. So I guess we were like halfway to the next, like clean cycle. And only one time did I actually have to use one of those restrooms. And by that, I mean, if I’m a guy I’m going to stand, I’m not going to go to a place like that to use it. I’m not going to lie. So I’m not going to say I didn’t go number one on the trail, but only one time I had to go number two. And that’s when we were coming down from. Yeah, but what’s the name of that? That peak on day two, why dead woman’s past. And we were coming down and they had the restroom. And I mean, I wish I came across that restroom in February. Not in June. Let’s put it that way. You know what I mean? Yep. I
1 (31m 18s):
3 (31m 18s):
It. Yeah. I know. I know you were right next to me, Kevin and the separate one over,
1 (31m 23s):
But let’s talk about the worst bathroom we experienced in Peru. Kim, I don’t know if you experienced this or not, but we stopped at a gas station on our way back to Cusco. And there was actually someone on our tour who is a little sick. She had gotten sick on the trail and we stopped at the bathroom and I had to go pee. And it was the gnarliest most disgusting bathroom I’ve probably ever been in. It was so bad.
3 (31m 47s):
You don’t remember that Kim, did you knock it out and do it? Yeah. So it was not a person who was on our tour and hike with us to Machu Picchu. But when you’re done, there is a communal bus after the train that will take you from the last train station, back into town, into Cusco. Some poor young woman was sick needed to stop. And by sick, I think it was coming out the mouth and the back end, she had both going and this gas station restroom in Peru. I still remember the smell and it was bad. I was like, I don’t even want to pee in here, but I wasn’t there. And I was like, no, because she was in another one. The irony was, it was a mix of just a bad smell because it’s the restroom. And you know, what type of smell I’m talking about, plus like almost like a gas station smell mixed with like oil and like lubricant and like burnt tea.
3 (32m 36s):
Like it, it had a whole mix of everything going and it was bad. And I’m so thankful. I did not have to sit down on that venture because it would have been like, oh,
2 (32m 46s):
3 (32m 46s):
You’re lucky you stayed on the bus,
1 (32m 49s):
But we’re going to jump on over to the Philippines. Philippines has a whole different bathroom experience. They do love their birthdays or holidays are a little different though. Instead of it being in the toilet, it’s usually actually a hose connected that you can take off of the toilet and aim to spray. But what’s so weird about the Philippines is they’re often missing the actual toilet seat and it’s just the toilet bowl.
3 (33m 14s):
Yeah. They’ll have a Western toilet and all of a sudden, just for whatever reason, decide they’re not putting a toilet seat on it.
2 (33m 20s):
It’s weird. There are a lot of countries that I’ve been to where they don’t have toilet seats.
3 (33m 24s):
Why I don’t get it, I don’t get it. I don’t get it. You know? And it’s like, they have the cleanliness aspect of going like, yeah, let’s have the day, but then no. See, and then also the irony of the day is like Brittany said, it’s like, aim yourself. Well, people are spraying. There’s going to be like splashed up. So then it leads to the seat or lack of seat and just like the bowl rim being all wet too. And then you don’t know what it is. That’s on there now. Again, public toilets, hotels are great, but public aspect of things, Western toilets with no seats, I don’t get it. I don’t get it.
1 (33m 56s):
And they also don’t always have toilet paper. So you’re cleaning yourself. You’re getting fresh and clean, but there’s nothing to like wipe yourself with like to, to clean up a lot of water. So it’s just, it’s a very strange, I don’t know why
2 (34m 12s):
The new use of the day for number two, do you wipe first then rents?
1 (34m 17s):
Usually I do. Yeah. Cause I don’t, if there’s any splash up or anything like that, you don’t want it going in the wrong direction. You want it to, you want to get it pretty clean.
2 (34m 25s):
So you wipe rents white. Yeah. Wow. That’s very bad for the environment.
1 (34m 30s):
I am wipe. And then you rinse and then it’s more like a, just kind of like a pat to dab because it’s usually all cleaned by then.
2 (34m 37s):
So you, you kind of net out around the same amount of toilet paper, maybe a little less. Okay.
3 (34m 43s):
Just there to make you feel clean. I think
2 (34m 45s):
Just nice squirt that’s for the feeling really?
1 (34m 48s):
And then in the Philippines, like in a traditional home, if you don’t have the actual by day or hose, sometimes they do have like, some homes will have the hose, but if you don’t have a hose, then it’s customary to have a cup or a bowl to fill with water. And then you wash yourself over the toilet. Hmm. It’s called Tebow. Oh,
2 (35m 11s):
1 (35m 12s):
It’s like a tablet.
3 (35m 13s):
Bring out your two Golic, Brittany, because this is your home country we’re talking about right now.
1 (35m 18s):
And so if you’re more westernized, like my sister, she might just use an extra large taco bell cup that shoulder
3 (35m 27s):
And just pour a little down the front. Yeah. Just to freshen it up.
2 (35m 31s):
Everybody’s using the same cup with their bathroom hand.
3 (35m 34s):
You’ve hit the nail on the head with that one cam. That’s what happens.
1 (35m 39s):
Some of them have handles. You can get really
3 (35m 42s):
Fancy, but everybody’s still using that same handle. Yep. Okay. And the more traditional households, if they don’t have the hose, that is the situation,
1 (35m 51s):
The bathroom. And then you have to fill the water. So usually you’re washing your hands, filling the water, then you bring it back to the toilet, do your business. And then you’re done. It’s a whole process.
3 (36m 1s):
2 (36m 2s):
3 (36m 2s):
Two things to take away from the Philippines, no toilet seat spray hoses. That is what you can expect in the public restrooms, but we’ve gone from Brittany’s second motherland USA, Philippines. Now we’re going on to my second motherland USA. We’ve already touched upon that. We’re hopping on over to Lebanon,
2 (36m 21s):
Surprisingly pretty similar Bathrooms,
3 (36m 23s):
Similar bathrooms. I would definitely wager to say so they are very big on their bad days. A lot of times it is the whole situation like they have in the Philippines. A lot of places also will have true, but days where they actually have the toilet seat and then a day, which is another toilet seat. And that’s where it actually sprays the water up from, from that. So you migrate from one to the other. I don’t think we encountered any on our travels or did you Kim, but a lot of places do have it. Okay.
2 (36m 53s):
I feel like we did, but I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was just a urinal. So I never used it.
3 (36m 58s):
No, that’s exactly another seat for you to go to, to do the cleaning on it. And you know, when we talked about it earlier, a lot of things, cultural cleanliness, and I even mentioned religious, obviously in the mid east, do you notice a very high Muslim population? And so it’s very proper to actually be clean religiously. And obviously even before prayer, you need to be clean. So that’s why they have the bad days. So it was more like a religious thing, but it doesn’t just carry into, you know, Islam now, like even in Christian households, for that matter, they have them. It’s just common culturally in that area. But it stems from the need to be cleaned for the religious aspect.
2 (37m 34s):
So I wasn’t used to the days when we went to Lebanon
3 (37m 39s):
Thought it was a urinal. Apparently
2 (37m 42s):
I’ve used the button ones a few times here and there, but they’re not that common. And I never, I never really knew what the hose was for. So I remember one time we were at one of your aunt’s house and I needed to use the bathroom. And as I go walking, she’s kind of like stands up and starts running around to give me something, she hands me a little hand towel. And I was like, okay, thank you. And I took it to the bathroom, but I didn’t end up using it because they had toilet paper and they had hand tells there after you wash your hands. And I was like, okay, I have no idea what that’s for. And then I think it was like the next day, or maybe later that day or something I was telling you about it. And you guys were like for the day,
1 (38m 20s):
Ah, did you touch someone else’s hand towel that
2 (38m 24s):
Was hanging up. So
3 (38m 26s):
Did, was it Zaina who told you that it’s like to dry you off after the big day? Yeah.
2 (38m 30s):
Yeah. Cause it came up. I was like, I don’t know why, but your aunt gave me a hand towel that was already handles there.
1 (38m 36s):
Yeah. And a lot of the times each person will have their own individualized hand towel that they keep in a specific spot in the bathroom. So if you wash your hands and put your hands on one of those,
2 (38m 46s):
Maybe, I don’t know. I can’t remember now, but it’s very possible that I got someone else’s butt juice all over my hands.
1 (38m 52s):
I love it. So we’re going to hop on over to Dubai. We did Lebanon and Dubai in the same trip. Dubai also has Americanized Bathrooms and they also do have birthdays there as well.
3 (39m 6s):
True by days. I think this is where you then came across it because we stayed at Atlantis, the Palm and it was absolutely amazing. The bathroom there was great. But even in public settings, the restrooms are first-class. I mean, Dubai is an opulent city filled with like wealth and tourism. So they make sure that the restrooms are cleaned there. And even when we were out in the desert for the sunrise camel Trek, I can’t even believe the Bedouin bathrooms that they had out there.
2 (39m 32s):
They were nice,
1 (39m 34s):
Beautiful gilded, gold, everything.
2 (39m 36s):
Like I just wanted to hang out in there. It
1 (39m 39s):
Was so nice.
3 (39m 39s):
Yeah. Like me in Japan, I’m telling you like it was a nice restaurant out there. Wasn’t it in the middle of the desert with a tent. Mind you. But then they also had like plums, toilets, real gilded, gold fixtures and everything like that felt real, real high class out there too.
2 (39m 55s):
Yeah. I felt rich just being there in the bathroom.
1 (39m 59s):
I’m never going to leave this bathroom,
2 (40m 1s):
Leaving Dubai. We want to go down south of the border from the us into Mexico. We’ve been to a ton of places in Mexico. We go all the time. Cause it’s pretty close to San Diego where we live. And so we know a lot about Mexican Bathrooms. I would say statistically, looking on my experiences about 95% of the time, you have to pay
1 (40m 22s):
For a public toilet
2 (40m 23s):
For a public toilet. Yes.
1 (40m 24s):
Yes. Like if you’re in a restaurant, obviously you don’t have to pay. And then I would say 95 to a hundred percent of the time you have to get toilet paper at the front of the toilet or
2 (40m 35s):
Bring your own,
1 (40m 35s):
We’re bringing your own.
3 (40m 36s):
Yeah. Because a lot of places that even our public restrooms that aren’t like in a restaurant, for example, as we’re talking about, you know, like here in the U S there’s a men’s and a women’s, but you know what? There’s an attendant out front. They’re taking their payment for you to go ahead and use it. And you have to collect your toilet paper right out front. You want more toilet paper. They charge you extra for that too. Most of the time.
1 (40m 57s):
And in Mexico, it’s also another country where you can’t flush the toilet paper. And in a lot of the bathrooms there will be assigned to put the toilet paper in the trash can.
2 (41m 5s):
What do you do if you accidentally drop it in?
1 (41m 7s):
I just flush it. Ooh, you
2 (41m 9s):
Do. I pick it out? No, you do
1 (41m 13s):
Like, no, you don’t. That’s a lie. Did you notice, like in some other countries they have like a bathroom attendants or they’ll want tips for like keeping the bathroom?
2 (41m 22s):
Oh yeah. They’ll have someone there to put the soap in your hand or,
1 (41m 25s):
And that’s not something that’s in the us. We,
2 (41m 28s):
It is sometimes in nightclubs.
3 (41m 30s):
I was going to say nightclubs and clubs. I have definitely seen that. And I would say I’ve seen, and I can’t remember which hotel, but I’ve seen a few hotels in Vegas along the strip and like the public ones and the casinos are in the high-end shop galleries where they do have that also.
1 (41m 46s):
But we’ve also been to some pretty cool Bathrooms in Mexico. We went to the top of Tori, Latino Americana tower and the bathroom up there had gorgeous views.
3 (41m 56s):
I mean, we originally went to this top of this tower. I think it was the tallest building in Latin America at one time may still be, but definitely top five. And we originally went up one for the view to rooftop bar. Wasn’t open air rooftop bar, but it was 360 all the way up rooftop bar situation. The men’s restroom was impressive when I was in there. I’m just like, oh, I’m standing, I’m looking out the windows. And I could see like the metropolis that is Mexico city. But then I come back out and you ladies just can’t stop raving about the female bathroom. Then you talked about, I’m just like, why is the men not looking like this?
2 (42m 28s):
Yeah, it’s really cool. I mean, to be able to be seeing the 360 degree views of Mexico city while you’re sitting on the toilet was amazing.
3 (42m 36s):
So we didn’t have it well sitting the urinals to stand how to look out. But if you guys had the sit and view, I mean, I guess that makes sense either way women have to sit to use the restroom, so make sense, but I only stood, but if I was to have had to sit and I didn’t get the view and you came back and told me that I’d been like really disappointed, like, why didn’t I have this?
2 (42m 56s):
If you could have sat and got the view and peed, would you have
3 (42m 60s):
No, I mean, that’s a little weird. It’s a little weird, but yeah, that was a really, really good restroom. But talk about your restroom experience and want to Watteau in a hotel, Kim.
2 (43m 10s):
Yeah. So sometimes in Mexico you get a wild card. And here in this hotel, the bathroom was extremely tiny. Like the sink was like a kids, small sink,
3 (43m 22s):
But it was clean though. You’re just talking about everything, kind of like a round you in the hotel, like small sink. And I know you’re going to get to the door situation here.
2 (43m 29s):
Yeah. Really tiny shower. Everything’s stuck together. The door was like, like a bar swinging door. Like not on the top, not on the bottom. It was really thin flimsy see-through and the bathroom was so small that the toilet you’re like sitting right in front of the door. So if you’re sitting on the toilet, we can see your outline. They’re just doing what you’re doing
3 (43m 50s):
Is hitting that saloon door, giving a little bit of movement. As you
2 (43m 53s):
Know, it’s actually like running parallel to the way you’re sitting, but you’re just full on display and you can hear everything because there’s gaps. It was just not cool.
3 (44m 3s):
Well, when we get to another country on this list, we had something very similar to that experience and another country. So not very unique in the sense that other places have that same situation going. And that goes back to what we were saying earlier about like the tips and the pooper read. And we’re talking about, oh, you know, uncomfortable times with somebody for the first time could be anywhere, even in a hotel room. And I’m excited to get to that country later where we’re going to talk about it. Because even though that hotel had that experience, we had a public restroom that was maybe one of the best public restroom experiences of my life. And we’re going to talk about that. So
2 (44m 36s):
I actually in this hotel in one watt though, you know, we had a lot of tacos and stuff. So I was like, Lou, you need to go out of the room for a little bit and go do something because I needed to use the bathroom. And there was no privacy in there. There was no popery there was nothing. There wasn’t even a window. Yeah.
3 (44m 54s):
Well, like you said, there’s like a half door to half of the sound and it didn’t really bother the sound and it’s open for the smell and all that. Who blocked you? Well, I’m going to talk about a good experience in the restroom in Mexico. When we went to Mexicali and we went to the brewery, I could not stop raving about the urinal that was made out of a keg. I thought that was one of the coolest things that I had actually seen. And I was so impressed with it.
2 (45m 19s):
So impressed. You took a picture, right? I
3 (45m 20s):
Did. We’ll probably have to post this. When this episode airs, I really loved that toilet. It was cool. It was unique. It was clean. Mexicali is a fun place. I mean, that’s another border town, but not like here to San Diego to Tijuana, it’s more inland and deserty in that region, but they are known for their craft brew scene. So we went to a brewery and here you go, men’s restroom. You’re in a lot of the CAG. It was cool. It was unique. I love unique restrooms.
1 (45m 44s):
So back in September, we all went on a squad trip to Ecuador. And also in Ecuador, we learned you have to bring your own teepee and you have to pay to use the bathroom. But you know what? Big shout out to gate one, because anytime we used a rest stop bathroom, they paid for our bathroom experience and our tour guide. She had a huge ass roll of toilet paper. And as we were getting off of the bus, she would be like, who needs toilet paper? And you can just pull it from the road.
2 (46m 13s):
It was funny because you could tell who was going, number two, by how much toilet paper they took.
1 (46m 19s):
But it’s also one where you’re going to want that backup in your purse, just in case you didn’t grab enough.
2 (46m 24s):
you know, out of all the countries we’ve been to, I feel like Ecuador’s bathrooms were a little underwhelming, nothing special, nothing crazy.
3 (46m 32s):
I’ve had worse and I’ve had better. So it was like neutral middle wasn’t it? I felt like at least the public restrooms that we went to and granted it was we’re on a tour. They probably know where the nicer ones are to take us. I was pleasantly surprised with them. I felt like they were all clean. And they even had, like, you’re talking about the attendance in there that will either get you the paper towel to dry your hand, or like soap you up. At least in the men’s room side they did.
2 (46m 52s):
There was one place that we went, we went shopping there. I can’t remember exactly what city we were in, but we parked in the parking lot and we actually had to walk through the bathrooms to get into the shopping area. I
1 (47m 5s):
Don’t remember that.
3 (47m 5s):
I’m trying to remember. I don’t recall.
2 (47m 7s):
Really. Yeah. It was one of the last days.
3 (47m 10s):
I don’t really recall.
2 (47m 12s):
You remember the day we went shopping and that big shopping Plaza, maybe it was one of the first days. I think that’s where the shopping
3 (47m 19s):
2 (47m 21s):
Yeah, we parked in the parking lot. We had to walk
3 (47m 23s):
All the
2 (47m 23s):
Bathrooms. Yes, I think so. I think that was where it was, but that was weird.
3 (47m 28s):
It’s it’s ringing a bell, but I’m still trying to picture it. But if, if you recall it well, I’m sure there’s a reason for it.
2 (47m 34s):
Most of the bathrooms that had like a lady attendant cleaning them and helping you with stuff. Her child was also there sweeping up and helping clean the bathroom. Yeah,
1 (47m 44s):
We did see that a lot too.
2 (47m 46s):
Very family oriented country
3 (47m 48s):
Moving on from the Latin America scene. I know we talked to bond, Mexico and Ecuador here very recently. Let’s take it across the pond and let’s go to Europe. And usually when we say across the pond, we’re probably talking jolly old England and the UK, but I’m going to bring up France right now, Europe, just in general, the WCS as they like to call them. I don’t know if it stands for wash closet or something, you know, else in one of their native languages to Europe, it means something. But everywhere you go, it costs money. And here in Europe, just because Europe is Europe, it’s at a minimum one Euro to use. And usually the public restrooms are pretty clean and that’s why they charge such a high premium, like one year old to use the restroom. The Euro is worth more than $1 for that matter.
3 (48m 30s):
So public restrooms are decent and nice, but we had an odd situation, I guess it just goes to the classic buildings that they have. Cause you know, a lot of the buildings are from the 18 hundreds, the hotel that we were staying in had the toilet and one room and then the sink in another room
1 (48m 47s):
You had across the bedroom to go wash your hands. So the only thing in the one room was the toilet and toilet paper. And then to go wash your hands, you had to go into the same room where the shower was
3 (48m 58s):
And you know what the restroom smelled like in that hotel room. I’m remember, it’s not like spaghetti sauce to me for whatever you don’t remember. That kind of had like that smell of spaghetti sauce, like spaghetti and meatballs. I felt like
1 (49m 9s):
Maybe the meatballs was like a boo meatball is,
3 (49m 12s):
I mean, yeah, it had, it had a smell to it. It had a smell to it. It didn’t stink up our room, but just when you were in there and you can close the door, but like it had a like permanent smell to it. But then you go to the true bathroom that had the shower and the sink and absolutely nothing. It was weird. That is weird. But point being in Europe, WCS, and they’re all at least a Euro doesn’t matter if you’re in the UK, doesn’t matter. France, Germany, wherever one Euro minimum.
2 (49m 36s):
Yeah. I also noticed that they have an actually a lot of countries have the bathroom where you can push like light water or heavy water. And I thought that was really cool. And I’m actually happy to see more us Bathrooms getting that feature.
3 (49m 49s):
Oh yeah. I know what you’re talking about. Like you can push one button if it’s number one or another button, if it’s number two and then if it’s number two, it’s a higher end flush with more water, for example. Yeah. But the Europe Bathrooms, at least in Western Europe, for sure. I know we’re just talked about the price rest assured they’re going to have toilet paper and rest assured they’re going to have a toilet seat. So pretty standard restrooms just really expect to pay. But again, you know, we’re talking to other places, the hotel rooms, you know what you’re going to get out in public. But like our experience in France was I knew what I was going to get in public, but I didn’t know what I was going to get and a hotel situation.
2 (50m 22s):
Well, I do remember you guys telling me that there were actually a lot of skid marks in then toilets in Europe.
3 (50m 28s):
Yeah. Because they put very minimal water in it. Like imagine the water levels that we have here. Like they use like one third of that.
2 (50m 36s):
So you know what you’re going to get toilet paper wise, but not skid marks. Why?
3 (50m 40s):
I guess so that’s true. I’m glad you brought that up. I forgot about that. That’s true. That’s a unique thing about European restrooms is they use very minimal water in the bowls.
1 (50m 49s):
May have to do a double flush to get it all off
3 (50m 51s):
There. But yeah. You know what you don’t have then with the minimal water splash up.
1 (50m 55s):
That’s true. Although I have recently read some articles. I dunno if it’s articles some interesting IgE posts where there’s been discussion that putting a layer of toilet paper in the bowl before you poop will help prevent splash up and will also minimize the noise.
3 (51m 14s):
I feel like we’ve talked about this in a previous episode, you talked about as building a nest and Tim thought you literally didn’t mean in the water and like spreading across the bull surface and like catching it before I hit the water. I remember that
2 (51m 29s):
Great way to reduce noise. I
3 (51m 30s):
Know, but just for clarification simply because we’re talking about it, we’re talking about making a layer in the water.
2 (51m 36s):
That’s a squad tip for you. There you go.
1 (51m 39s):
Nice layer on top. So what you do in public restrooms?
3 (51m 42s):
Yeah. I know we’ve talked on France. I’ve seen here on our show notes. Europe was next and I feel like we kind of just hit everything that was in the Europe bullet points. Just talking about that. Cause it’s all encompassing.
2 (51m 51s):
I haven’t been a ton of places in Europe. I have been to Italy and they did have pretty standard like reliable Bathrooms. But I remember there was only one time I did run into a Squatty potty and it was at like a historical like museum kind of a place. And I really had to go and not number one. And yeah, I was like, of course the one Squatty potty in Italy is the one I have to use for this.
1 (52m 16s):
You know, I really wasn’t expecting Squatty potties in Europe. Like I didn’t think that was a thing. And you had this experience in Italy and they had a Squatty potty in the toilet, in the national park in Montenegro. And we saw so random and some other countries too, where I was just like out in the country kind of thing. We’re on our tour, but I just wasn’t expecting Squatty potties in Europe.
3 (52m 38s):
Yeah. I think a few places still have them. They’re not prevalent. They’re more like unique antiquated things that I guess you’ll still find now the Squatty, potty and Montenegro at the national park, I think was intentional. I think what’s an Italy. Wasn’t just intentional. It was just, that was here and they’ve kind of never updated. And it was like more like a classical area for you, but that is unfortunate at the time that you had to go. That was the situation that you encountered chem. That is no good on that. But speaking about unique things in Europe, let’s talk about the bathroom experience in Croatia at Diocletian’s palace. Now I’m not talking for us today and common use and anything like that, but we were in Croatia.
3 (53m 19s):
Diocletian’s palace is a UNESCO world heritage site. It had like one of the emperors of the Roman empire, like was out there and that was his place. And they were just talking about how restrooms in Europe were set up back in the day. And it was very, very interesting. They literally lived on the second level and had holes to the first and then the first level with the tide would come in and it would wash everything out to see. So people who lived in the castle and the palace, they all went to the restroom on the second level and to holes into the first. And it would like wash out the water levels have actually changed. People still live in this building. The whole history behind Diocletian’s palace is very interesting. You should listen to our episode talking about the Dalmatian coast.
3 (54m 1s):
We go into greater detail on it, but now that the water levels, aren’t what they are and the tide’s not coming in to wash it out. They have petrified poop that is still in the basement that you can go in and actually see. And it is quite unique. Obviously it doesn’t smell anymore. I mean, it’s literally hundreds of years old. It’s like solidified, but such a unique thing. I’m talking about ancient techniques of using the restroom and having the tide literally come in and then sweep it all out to see.
1 (54m 27s):
Yeah. And so like, obviously Diocletian lived there at first. It wasn’t that many people living there, but then when he died, all of the villagers from the surrounding areas came to take over the palace. So then there was an influx of how many people were going to the bathroom. And so as the water changed over time in the amount of people that were living there also changed, it was piling up at a much faster rate to the point where literally shit was holding up the palace and became petrified. And so, you know, I’ve never been inside of a toilet and this is a one-time like, I can say I’ve walked into like essentially a toilet bowl.
3 (55m 8s):
And guess what episodes of game of Thrones were filmed in that palace, in that area to where that happens.
1 (55m 14s):
And what’s also really unique is they’ve excavated a whole bunch of the shit out. But if you own the building above it, then you own what’s directly beneath it. And so they’re not always allowed to excavate all of the poop because the people that own it don’t want you to excavate it cause their apartment might fall through and it might ruin their structure. So they’re choosing to leave it there. Okay.
3 (55m 38s):
Okay. But it’s solidified and petrified. No smell, no nothing but very, very interesting. And I know completely off topic of us nowadays using restrooms, but very interesting in terms of the history of restrooms and sanitization in Europe, let alone anywhere else for that matter. I mean, you know, here in the U S I mean, people threw it in the streets, do you know? That’s why at Disney world, they have one land that’s called Liberty square. And if you actually look at the Thailand that they have, and it’s set to be like colonial USA, hence the name, they have like a dark stream in the middle and that’s actually supposed to be the sewage that’s running through where people like throw. So even Disney world has stuff like that.
3 (56m 18s):
Talking about. Yeah. Very, very interesting. I think one of my favorite Bathrooms situations is the cruise ship bathroom.
2 (56m 25s):
3 (56m 25s):
Favorite? I don’t want to say favorite to talk about not favorite to experience. Favorite to talk about
1 (56m 30s):
Every cruise ship bathroom has the same smell.
2 (56m 34s):
It’s a weird smell. It’s like, it’s not poop
1 (56m 37s):
Kemba, but kind,
2 (56m 39s):
And like mold,
3 (56m 42s):
You can’t describe it. But with new smelter, you know exactly what it is,
2 (56m 47s):
Right. If you’ve
3 (56m 47s):
Been on a cruise, you know what it is. Yeah.
2 (56m 49s):
Like before we had the bathroom discussions, my first smells of it, I really thought like, did I leave like a wet towel in here? And it’s gotten moldy, you know, like when clothes sit in the washer and you forget to dry them, like kind of like that. But then, you know, we put our heads together. We start chatting about Krisha bathroom, come to find out. That’s just the standard scent. Yeah.
3 (57m 10s):
It doesn’t matter what cruise line you’re on. Either. They use some sort of chemical I’m telling you, and that’s like the smell and the restrooms on the ship that aren’t in your state room. They still have that same smell to their normal stalls and actually quite nice to use minus the smell situation, which I don’t want to say, it’s foul. It’s just off. Like you can smell it. Right. But the state room, bathroom situation, I mean, they’re just tiny. They’re so small. They’re not bowls, but there are seats that come out of the wall and there’s like minimal water in there. It’s almost like an airplane toilet in a way to,
2 (57m 44s):
I watched a really good show on Netflix about cruise life. It was like, I think maybe like an hour, maybe more, but it was very interesting. They go into everything from like every little chef, every little cleaner in our team at like all the breakdowns of the systems. Wait, what do they do with you?
3 (58m 3s):
Unfortunately they release it out at sea. It’s very legal to do. Yeah. Oh, that’s a dirty secret of the cruise line industry is that
2 (58m 11s):
They didn’t put that in the shade.
3 (58m 12s):
Yeah, of course not. They dump it at sea.
2 (58m 14s):
They did say that they dumped the food wasted
3 (58m 16s):
Food at sea.
1 (58m 18s):
Interesting. I wouldn’t think that they would do that. Well.
3 (58m 20s):
Why would they want to bring it back and pay a trash bill or a sewage or septic bill for somebody to, to flush it?
1 (58m 26s):
Oh, we’re fucking the ocean so bad. I know.
2 (58m 28s):
Hey, fish to eat too.
3 (58m 30s):
I guess that’s a true in that sense of things. But speaking of restroom situations on the cruise ship, do you guys remember the carnival cruise ship a while back? That was the cruise from hell where the engine stopped and then literally sewage from the ship started leaking from the walls and they couldn’t move. Do you remember that Kevin? Oh my gosh. It was a big, big story. People were stuck out at sea for weeks. They weren’t allowed to be in their state rooms. They all had to be like in the public areas. Literally shit was leaking from the walls. I’m not even exaggerating.
2 (59m 3s):
Why did they? Why weeks?
3 (59m 5s):
I don’t know why it took so long for some ship to come out and tow them. But imagine what’s needed to tow a cruise ship
2 (59m 11s):
3 (59m 12s):
Broke down. And I went to high school with somebody who worked on the cruise ships and she was on that ship, on that sail in as one of the staff, having to deal with everything going on. So I can imagine using the restroom on the ship and not situation. Wouldn’t be fun.
1 (59m 31s):
Yeah. You can look it up. It’s called the carnival poop cruise from hell. Yeah. You’re in and feces everywhere, but going from a really bad bathroom experience while we were just talking about to a really awesome one, we’re headed to South Africa and I know this doesn’t sound like it would be an amazing place, but we stopped at a restroom at a gas station and the views, there were amazing.
3 (59m 59s):
They were like the type of views Kim that you were talking about at the building and Mexico city. Just looking out while you’re sitting, they had the same situation here, but you know what I was looking at when I was in South Africa, rhino feeding out a watering hole, just living life. And you know, what made this restroom experience even better? I, well, I shouldn’t say the restaurant experience that the whole stop experience even better other than just being able to use the restroom and look at rhinos. I mean, how cool is that? Number one, this is where they had Nando’s chicken. My first Nando’s chicken
2 (1h 0m 31s):
3 (1h 0m 32s):
Bomb. Hey, I’ll tell you what, when we had it in Chicago, it wasn’t as good as they had it in South Africa. I won’t lie, but it was awesome. So it was a whole like ambiance experience. Restrooms were clean, great view, and it wasn’t a city, but of nature and endangered animals. How am I supposed to not be impressed?
2 (1h 0m 49s):
It’s very impressive. And the nanos on top of that, wow,
3 (1h 0m 52s):
I made the whole experience, but in South Africa, this is kind of what you experienced. And though Mexico, we were in one place. I’m trying to remember what city we were in. I think it was when we were in the area where we were doing the St. Lucia estuary, sundown cruise with the hippos and the Crocs and everything like that. They had a bathroom situation. Exactly. Like your want to want to experience Kim. The bathroom was like kind of open, no really door, anything. You could see the shower. So if you’re going with a friend and you’re not comfortable or whoever, but the actual toilet was the same thing, saloon style door. So it didn’t close from the bottom. Didn’t close from the top. Nothing is keeping the smell inside or the sounds from going anywhere.
3 (1h 1m 34s):
And it was kind of like that open air experience. There
2 (1h 1m 39s):
Really, it really is.
3 (1h 1m 40s):
It really is. And I remember one time when we were doing safari, do you remember when they stopped? And we had a breakfast on one of the safaris that we were doing, they had the restroom in that area and it was like a little huddled one and it was a toilet and it was plumbed. I can’t believe out in the middle of the African Bush, there was a plump toilet, but I remember looking up and there was like a bee or wasp nest, like all the way at the top.
1 (1h 2m 4s):
I feel like that was
3 (1h 2m 4s):
Krueger. I don’t think it was in Kruger. I think it was the day that we did the rhinos, which was our first safari, what that happened to be on Dana’s birthday. So awesome bathroom experiences all around. I mean, it had the good with the views, how to out in nature, on a safari and then the hotel that was like, oh, if you’re going with somebody like you’re comfortable with, because you’re obviously traveling with them. But not at that level yet. It’s a little like, whoa, you know, open air bathroom, toilet, no door. I don’t like that situation.
2 (1h 2m 31s):
We don’t like it either. Believe us Thailand is our last country on here. I’ve been here. You two have not. I found that the bathrooms in Thailand, most of them were not impressive. You always have to pay most of the time. You always have to bring your own toilet paper. I didn’t experience any impressive bathrooms there. Most of the time I was left a lot to be desired. And I remember there was one time. It was the night that we were in co-PI P we were only there one night. We’re out on the beach. There’s a ton of nightlife. Like my stomach is a little on the Fritz and I go to use the public restroom. You have to pay. They give me a little bit of toilet paper. And I was like, this isn’t going to be functional for this moment.
2 (1h 3m 13s):
So I walked back to the hotel room, use the bathroom there, and then went back out to try to find my friend.
3 (1h 3m 19s):
I mean, I would’ve done the same thing. I mean, if you were close enough and I think just any time that you’re out, wall one, you had probably two things going against you. You’re in a foreign country. You never know what you’re going to get. And I guess the same thing could be here in the U S number one. But at the same time, you are in a place where everybody was drinking. How clean do you think the restroom is going to be when everybody is drinking, not clean at all minimal toilet paper that they’re giving you not feeling well, I know when I’m not feeling well, I want to take my time and not feel rushed. And then have the anxiety of someone like waiting outside the door. I would have gone back to the hotel room to also, okay.
2 (1h 3m 55s):
Hmm. Yep. There was actually one bathroom we went to while we were making the trip from one city to another, we stopped at a gas station bathroom, and this was the most disgusting bathroom I’ve ever seen in my life to date. It didn’t have a door. It didn’t have a toilet seat. It didn’t have toilet paper obviously. And it just looked like a bomb went off. The pieces were broken, the floor was cracked and there was poop everywhere.
3 (1h 4m 25s):
Like the one at Zion,
2 (1h 4m 26s):
That one was like messy. Like people had just rampaged through there. This one was like, literally like a bomb. Might’ve went off in there. Oh my God. And then it was messy.
3 (1h 4m 36s):
The double situation. That’s not good at all.
2 (1h 4m 40s):
Number one, number two, we had it, had it all.
3 (1h 4m 43s):
Well, that’s unfortunate. I remember you talking about that experience, but you know, I would maybe say that restroom that we had in Peru was the same minus the bomb aspect, but it was just that without the bomb, I guess,
2 (1h 4m 56s):
Who am I? So I just wanted to end it on that lovely note,
3 (1h 5m 2s):
But that’s part of travel. It’s the experience, you know what I mean? And there’s some good, there’s some bad. And like I said, you know, we’re not ragging on any countries in particular, when we say this, we’re just letting you know what is out there and what to expect. Because I think when you’re prepared for something, then can accept it and like handle it better when you’re there for that matter.
2 (1h 5m 21s):
Yeah. And we still talk about the good bathrooms and we talk about the bad bathrooms and they make it into our travel stories that when we like recall our trips together, they become fond memories. So yes, sometimes about them as a scary place while you’re in it, then afterwards it’s a great story.
1 (1h 5m 39s):
So cam I think it’s your favorite time of the episode?
2 (1h 5m 43s):
Questions of the week. All right. We have a lot of questions this week. People are very interested in the bathrooms. Okay. Maybe we can do a whole Q and a bathroom episode one day. Cause we have a lot.
3 (1h 6m 2s):
I love that.
2 (1h 6m 4s):
Okay. So one of our Instagram followers wrote in her name is Kim and she said, I’m from Pennsylvania. And I do a lot of mid Atlantic slash mid Western travel. And I’d say maybe 50% of big six plus stall bathrooms have toilet seat covers. Are they super common elsewhere? That’s very specific.
1 (1h 6m 23s):
Well, I feel like we did answer that as we were talking about the bathrooms and yes, there are more common in the U S I would say more particularly on the west coast, but we don’t really see them in other countries. So,
2 (1h 6m 37s):
Yeah. And when we went to Chicago, I remember thinking like, there’s not toilet seat covers here.
3 (1h 6m 42s):
Yeah. Kim, I remember what you were saying about Chicago mentioning that one time, like you and Zane and we’re talking like there’s no toilet seat covers here or anything like that. So I do guess it is a west coast thing. You’ll definitely come across them. If you don’t then put some toilet paper down along the seat and make your own, I guess.
2 (1h 6m 58s):
Well, that brings us perfectly into this next question here. Someone’s asking, are you guys squatters or bare ass ciders? If there are no toilet seat covers?
3 (1h 7m 8s):
Well, I am a put toilet paper down on the seat type person. If there are not seat covers. Absolutely. I mean, other people’s butts have been all over it. You know what I mean? And who knows what other fluids have been on that? Right. I feel like I need some sort of barrier.
2 (1h 7m 24s):
Have you ever laid down toilet paper and then it slipped off the seat and you just said, fuck it. And sat on it anyway.
3 (1h 7m 29s):
Well, what are you going to do at that point? If I’m already sitting down, it’s like, am I going to enroll some more lift up the one side and then like put it back down. I mean, that’s even more cumbersome at that point. You’re committed, but I will take the initial effort to create a sanitization barrier.
2 (1h 7m 43s):
Sometimes even if the toilet seat cover falls off, I’m just like whatever I tried
1 (1h 7m 49s):
Or like we’ll slip into the toilet, you know? But I always assess the toilet. Like, are there any splash up marks first? If there are splash at marks, they take some toilet paper, get it clean. And then I put the cover on,
2 (1h 8m 2s):
Yeah, I don’t, I don’t want to put a cover on splash up then have the splash up moisture. But I will say if I have to bear acid, I will,
1 (1h 8m 13s):
You know what, there’s no shame. And having to bear as the toilet every once in a while.
3 (1h 8m 19s):
I mean, if you gotta go, you gotta go on. If you don’t have time to put it down, you don’t have time to put it down.
1 (1h 8m 23s):
You know, there are times where I’ve like tried a squat, but then like the toilet seat kind of ends up touching me anyways. And I’m like, all right, I’m already fucking there. Let’s just get it over with.
2 (1h 8m 32s):
Okay. We have a question asking specifically about the bathrooms here in San Diego. I would say they’re pretty good. I mean, it depends. I definitely was at an event at a park and the bathroom of course had no doors and there’s like still a ton of people. And usually at events, they bring out Porter, potties, and those are disgusting most of the time. But yeah, I would say probably like above average Bathrooms.
1 (1h 8m 56s):
Yeah. You know, I’m not a fan of our park Bathrooms, beach Bathrooms, event Bathrooms, but like generally establishment and hotels in San Diego and throughout our decent,
3 (1h 9m 8s):
I would definitely agree with that assessment. But again, it goes back to what we’re sending. You never know what you’re going to get. I’m going to quote Forrest Gump. Right? I mean, it is what it is, but for the most part you are right. I just don’t like beach Bathrooms in general. And I guess a lot of parks here in San Diego are actually beaches also, but beach restrooms, or even pool restrooms, like when there’s water involved, it’s like what I was saying about the San Francisco restaurants. It just makes it feel dirty. Cause you don’t know what it is. It’s just water from the ocean. Or is this something else?
2 (1h 9m 36s):
Yeah. Like it kind of blows my mind going into a restaurant bathroom where there’s like toilet paper everywhere. They’re out of toilet paper. It’s like, you’re a restaurant. Are you looking at this?
1 (1h 9m 46s):
I know. I know what you mean, but you know what else? I don’t like, I don’t like the toilets that are the stainless steel. Like they’re all metal where there’s no seat on them. Those are common. Not like rest stops and at parks.
2 (1h 9m 59s):
1 (1h 9m 59s):
Don’t like the,
2 (1h 9m 60s):
There is a restaurant in San Diego and it’s actually where we went and had dinner for our podcast launch celebration. The restaurant is called born and raised and it’s, it’s in little Italy. It’s an amazing, very classy steakhouse, kind of a place. And the bathrooms are gorgeous. They’re like glittery and golden and very opulent and written in this like scratched in script font. It says, sit on my face or is this sit on me? Something like that. It’s a sexual innuendo.
3 (1h 10m 32s):
I think sit on my face. Sounds better. Yeah.
2 (1h 10m 34s):
I don’t think it’s sit on. But anyway, those bathrooms are gorgeous. If you’re in San Diego hit those up. There’s also right above it. A brunch place called morning glory with equally amazing food and they have the same Bathrooms. All right. And our fourth and final question that we’re going to list out here for you today is have you had any bathroom full pause?
1 (1h 10m 54s):
Well, I can say that there have been times I ran out of toilet paper and there has been no shame in my game, either pulling off the roll and using the cardboard to wipe, or if there are seat covers using the seat covers twice.
3 (1h 11m 9s):
So when you say pulling the rule in the cardboard, are you talking to the cardboard? Are you talking about how there’s always that sticky part that holds the TP to the rule and you’re at least utilizing that portion that has the TP Brittany. Cause this is news to me.
1 (1h 11m 24s):
It really depends on what’s available. Did someone really get every last scrap on that role?
3 (1h 11m 29s):
Hey, sometimes you need it. You know, for me bathroom full pie. I mean, I’m not going to lie. We’re avid hikers. I don’t know what else to tell you other than there’s been a couple of times where I’ve had to go out in nature. A couple, a couple. I didn’t talk about this. I don’t want to bring it up. You know, when we were in, Taloon about to go to the ruins. We were out in the middle of nature and the jungle waiting to go. And you know, luckily we have a cheapy and baby wipes. I mean, I don’t know what else to say. And then our hike at I did, I was worried about a Jaguar coming out at me. If I’m not gonna lie, I was going to try to mark territory. And he’s like, why are you encroaching on mine? It was a whole thought process. And then in death valley, you know, it happens. It happens. You got to go, but in terms of an actual true restroom, no, but nature calls, nature calls,
2 (1h 12m 12s):
I guess. So what nature calls literally,
1 (1h 12m 16s):
You know, and there’s been times where you think you’re just going to pee, but a little more comes out than you bargained for.
3 (1h 12m 21s):
Brittany had that happen on our hike and Hawaii don’t let her fool you.
2 (1h 12m 24s):
You, did
3 (1h 12m 27s):
You remember when she said, oh, I gotta go back behind the core and use the restroom for our morning hike. What was the name of that hike that we were doing in Kauai in the morning? I
1 (1h 12m 37s):
Don’t remember.
3 (1h 12m 38s):
2 (1h 12m 38s):
Oh, and you didn’t say
3 (1h 12m 39s):
Anything? No. And then Zayna comes back to the car. You, I forgot who it was. And then somebody was like, what does it smell over here?
1 (1h 12m 48s):
Oh no. I think someone said like, why does it smell like donuts? And I was like, that’s not donuts.
3 (1h 12m 54s):
I knew there was something of something smelled. I didn’t know if it was bad or good, apparently donuts.
2 (1h 12m 58s):
So when we first took our first trip together to go to Peru, we made a pact and sot, no shits on trail out of the four that made the pact. I am the only one that is still in the pact.
1 (1h 13m 10s):
You know what? There was not a trail. I’m going to say
2 (1h 13m 13s):
That a trail head is still a part of the trail.
3 (1h 13m 18s):
It wasn’t out in nature. But the camp toilet that they set up saved you, Kim. Cause you got sick that night.
2 (1h 13m 23s):
Oh yeah. I definitely use the toilet. I’ve never shot on a trail. Not on a makeshift toilet. Plenty of times in real toilets. I think the funniest thing about traveling with you all is the frequent commentary updates on your bathroom habits. It’s like, oh, I gotta go. I gotta go. Number two. I gotta go take a shit.
3 (1h 13m 46s):
Yeah. You travel with somebody enough. You just get comfortable with it. You know what I mean?
2 (1h 13m 51s):
Brittany Ali’s ask, did you have success? That’s it? Did you have success and always wants to know how much was it a good one?
3 (1h 13m 59s):
What was it a complete defecation or was it just like
2 (1h 14m 3s):
I did, but not as much as I wanted to.
3 (1h 14m 6s):
Well, because it matters for if we’re all traveling together for the rest of the day, you know, like we, we to know if we’re going to have to maybe have a stop for somebody to finish emergency, if somebody is backed up, I mean, it’s the reality of travel. People don’t realize it until that happens, but it really is a true,
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Real close with people when you travel.
1 (1h 14m 25s):
And it’s always funny when you travel with someone for the first time, because you’re like, so do you need to go to the bathroom? Like, are you sure you don’t need to go pee? Like before I go in, without really saying what you’re going to do,
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We always to, after someone goes to the bathroom, when we go in and go, whew,
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Even if there’s nothing,
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There’s nothing,
3 (1h 14m 47s):
I really enjoyed this episode ladies. And I hope you squaddies enjoyed it too. I mean, we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback when we posted stories and that we’re going to talk about this. I mean, we had four questions of the week about this are most that we’ve ever really had come in for one particular episode. And it is such an important and true part of travel that like, you know, I mean, please potentially forgive the graphicness of this. If you guys can’t take it, but this is a reality of life and travel and I loved this episode. It is what it is. And it was a good one.
2 (1h 15m 16s):
Me too. Thank you all so much for tuning into this week’s episode. If you liked it, then please tell us about it. Keep your adventures going with us. We’re on Instagram and YouTube at Travel Squad Podcast and send us in your questions of the week and maybe we’ll even do a whole episode on bathroom questions.
3 (1h 15m 32s):
Yes. And if you found the information, this episode to be useful, or if you thought we were just playing funny, please be sure to share it with a friend that would enjoy it too. And as always, please subscribe, rate and review our podcast and tune in every Travel Tuesday for new episodes,
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Stay tuned for next week’s episode, we have some more amazing adventures and tips in store for you
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Bye Squaddies!