
East Coast Road Trip – Virginia, DC, Delaware & Maryland

We have a special East Coast road trip to celebrate our 100th podcast episode! We used Williamsburg, Virginia as our hub to explore and went to several East Coast road trip stops on this week trip including Virginia, Washington D.C., Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Ocean City, Maryland. 

This action packed week includes amusement parks, food festivals, colonial experiences, and so much more. The perfect trip to celebrate our 100th episode of the Travel Squad Podcast!

Some highlights from the Virginia road trip include going to America’s new national parks for New River Gorge white water rafting and explore what to do in Shenandoah National Park. 

This trip was the perfect combination of nature, tourism, adrenaline, and history!

East Coast Road Trip – Virginia, DC, Delaware & Maryland – Episode Transcript

1 (41s):
Welcome to this week’s episode of the Travel Squad Podcast. Oh my gosh, guys, what a huge milestone we’ve made it to episode 100.

2 (1m 8s):

3 (1m 8s):
I can’t even believe it. Like two weeks back. We had our two year episode and two episodes later, we got episode 100. It’s wild. It’s a

2 (1m 16s):
Huge milestone,

1 (1m 17s):
Huge milestone.

3 (1m 18s):

1 (1m 21s):
I’m really proud of us for making it this far. And we love that you guys have stuck with us and grown with us. And this has been so much fun to develop this podcast for y’all. But today we are packing our bags at jumping on a flight and hitting the east coast. We went to Williamsburg, Virginia, and we use Virginia as our hub and actually Virginia touches five states and it’s close to Washington DC, and it’s also on the Atlantic ocean. So it was a great place to go for a trip.

3 (1m 52s):
Yeah, Brittany and I took an East Coast adventure back in early may of this year. Like she said, we did many different things and visited many different states. Oh my gosh. I mean, we went to DC, we went to Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia. We just had an episode, a couple back where we talked about what we did at Shenandoah national park in Virginia and new river Gorge in West Virginia. So we’re going to bypass that even though this happened on this trip and talk about all the stuff that we did, city-wise of all the places and states that I had just mentioned,

2 (2m 25s):
You know, I’m actually kind of jealous that I wasn’t on this trip because I really like the east coast I’ve grown up in California as you guys have as well on the east coast is so different. There’s so much to do over there.

3 (2m 36s):
Yeah. You know, what’s really funny about you saying that Kim is as fortunate as we are for a lot of the traveling that we’ve done. Like really, I haven’t explored a lot of the East Coast. My East Coast Adventures have included like New York, which is only like a couple of days that I’ve really been there. Otherwise it’s Florida to go on cruises and go to the amusement park. So other than like north east coast, New York and obviously Southeast coast, Florida, I haven’t been anywhere else. So I was really, really excited to kind of like hit off these states, see the different things. And quite honestly, I was really impressed. I mean, I’m still a little west coast for lifer type person because west coast is the best coast. Sorry to tell you guys that east coast, but nonetheless, great place to visit.

3 (3m 17s):
And I was just blown away with how cool it was.

1 (3m 20s):
So pop quiz guys, for both you Kim and Jamal, I said that Virginia touches five different states who can name the five states that Virginia touches

2 (3m 30s):
You’ve already given me this quiz. And I can’t even remember what the answer is.

3 (3m 35s):
I’m going to give it a go. Okay. It touches Maryland. It touches West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina is that five Geography Through.

2 (3m 51s):
I’ve been to some of the places on the east coast like Boston and some new England areas. We actually have an episode coming out on that, but I haven’t been anywhere near where you guys are going to be talking about today. So super excited to hear about it. I heard a little bit about it, but I’m really excited to get into the details. So let’s dive right in.

1 (4m 7s):
Yeah. So first off, if you guys don’t know Jamal and I own a timeshare, we were actually gifted a timeshare for our wedding. And so we are in a timeshare exchange program. And so every once in a while, we’ll go on and be like, where can we go in the United States? And well, not just the United States, but we’ve only used it in the United States. And we’re like, where should we go? What should we use as a hub? And we came across Williamsburg, Virginia, and it looked pretty cool with a colonial architecture. And we’re like, you know, there’s a lot to do around that area. Why don’t we make a week trip out of it? Because our time share is for a week long. So we’re like, we’re gonna make the most of it and use Williamsburg, Virginia as our hub.

3 (4m 45s):
Yeah. And it was definitely great. And you know, we’ve mentioned this before, you know, we’re no strangers to investing time behind the wheel to do some driving. At least me doing the driving and everybody else being a passenger at Kim sleeping in the back seat, even though she didn’t grace us with her presence on this one to sleep in the backseat on me. But we use it as a hub. And quite honestly, some days, I mean, we did have three and a half hours of driving there, like in one direction and then back. But we were willing to do that. We knew, we just said, never really been here in this area. I wanted to get the most of it. So I was willing to do that. So I do think it’s a good hub to do this type of trip, but be willing to do the drive. If you are a know that it’s there, but it’s really, really rewarding. Really, really fun.

1 (5m 26s):
Yeah. In a few weeks back, we had an episode it’s episode 94 and we talked about new river Gorge, national park, our newest national park and Shenandoah national park. And although we did those on these trips, we’re not going to be talking about them now because we’ve already dedicated an entire episode to those. So if you missed it, go back and listen and be sure to subscribe to our podcast. So you can be up to date when all our new episodes come out, but we’re going to focus more on other aspects of the trip. And we’re going to start off with Williamsburg, Virginia.

3 (5m 56s):
So Williamsburg is a really cool city. I mean, if you’re into American history, you probably know what Williamsburg is. If you don’t, I’m going to tell you it basically Williamsburg at one point was the capital of Virginia and pretty much, you know, the colonies of the United States at that point in time.

2 (6m 14s):
And then they got it taken away from them.

3 (6m 16s):
They did not get it taken away from them in the sense of they lost it in war. They just migrated to other places to do it because it wasn’t like feasible. It was kind of like in swamp area, more so Jamestown, which we’re going to get to, which is right by it. But basically this place, Williamsburg, it is the largest living museum in the world. And what I mean by that is colonial Williamsburg. They still have all these colonial buildings from the times, even before the American revolution. Yeah. It’s really, really awesome. And the people who work there really are dressed in the proper attire for the time period. They speak to you as if they’re talking to you from the 17th century in the 16 hundreds, 17 hundreds,

2 (6m 58s):
The people in the town are doing this.

3 (7m 1s):
They are workers. They are workers because it’s a

1 (7m 4s):

2 (7m 4s):
Like the whole towns of museum, that little town. So there’s workers throughout the town dressed in colonial outfits and tracking like they are from 200 years ago. Correct?

3 (7m 14s):
Yeah. You can get people to drive you and a horse-drawn carriage. And they’re talking to you like that one. We wanted to do that around the town, but they were already actually sold out for the day of tickets purchased on that. They even have famous people. I mean, George Washington was there. We’re going to talk a little bit later. One of the homes that we went into, which is a, still an original home from that time period is a home that George Washington was in planning. The battle of Yorktown, which is the battle that we won against the British, which really cemented our win for our independence in that home. We got to go in that room like where he planned it. So they’ll have somebody who’s George Washington walking around and all of these other type of founding fathers who have been to Williamsburg and do this stuff.

3 (7m 58s):
And you know, we were about to go into the courthouse and they talked to you about how, you know, things were done in court back then and how it was a big hullabaloo and people would come, not because they were interested in the cases, but to see people who they didn’t like get fines against them and other stuff like that. And as we were waiting, just so you can see kind of how they talk to you in the time presence. One of the analogies the lady gave us, she said, oh, you are here. When there is such like fair weather. Normally around this time, it’s like, we’re breathing in hot soup. And she said it like in his old timey way, that was really funny. And everybody talks that way. Who’s working there. It’s really fun. Really cool.

1 (8m 35s):
Yeah. And she asked us like, where are you from? And we said from San Diego, and she was like, oh, that’s quite a few weeks away to get here. And that’s a big journey. And we’re like, where do you live? And she was like, well, I live a few hours away by carriage.

3 (8m 47s):
Yeah. And then, you know, when we said, we lived in San Diego, they’re like, oh, how’s it like living under the Spanish rule? Because you know, the west coast still was under Spanish rule. So I mean, they really keep how they talk to you in that presence. And so it’s just a really unique experience. And a lot of American history actually happened there as well. So you get to learn that be in it. And it’s really a living museum in a way

2 (9m 9s):
That’s really cool. Is this the kind of area where they would do like battle reenactments.

3 (9m 14s):
They didn’t have any battle reenactments here. However, they did show you and the armory, like how you would load up a musket. They had fire demonstrations of it, of like how loud it would be, this and that. So unfortunately, no reenactments, but really, really cool.

1 (9m 28s):
Yeah. And we went to the governor’s palace and we got to wander in his gardens and there’s a museum there it’s 301 acres for you to explore really. And they have shops open. Like they had a wig maker shop that they were showing like how to make wigs back in the day. And they had a whole bunch of shops where they would show you how they did those things and like the importance of them. So that was really cool. We also got to tour, like Jamal said, the George White house, that’s where George Washington stayed when he planned the battle of Yorktown. And they were talking about the importance of the rooms. Like this is the entertainment room, look at the wallpaper from this time they would serve tea in this room and like talk about important events.

1 (10m 10s):
And so they engrave a lot of history and knowledge while you’re there.

3 (10m 13s):
Yeah. And some of the buildings that are in the old colonial Williamsburg have actually like burnt down. They’ve rebuilt them to the best of the specifications that they have. But the majority of the buildings that are still there are from the time period in which they built, you know, from the 16 hundreds, 17 hundreds. So really, really cool for that. And you do need a day pass to get in there. It’s $35. Although after the fact I did realize technically, I mean, they are public streets. You can roam them for free on the outside, but you need your pass to get inside the buildings. If you don’t have your pass, like you can’t get in the buildings, you can’t see the demonstrations and do things, but no one is checking as you get to the town square, Hey yes.

3 (10m 54s):
This person has bought a ticket. So do keep that mind. You can see the buildings, but you can’t get the true experience unless you buy the past.

1 (10m 60s):
Yeah. And we did see a whole bunch of people that were jogging in the area and just kind of like roaming the town, but not going inside the buildings. And it’s interesting to see how many people are out exploring it and how interested everyone is in it. Still with all of that history.

3 (11m 13s):
If anybody from colonial Williamsburg is listening, I’m going to throw out a suggestion. I said this to Brittany. I think it would be awesome. The one thing they need to do is find one of those old buildings, make it a Tavern, give me a flagging veil and like an old school thing and keep it like a really old school Tavern. I think that would be awesome. They don’t have that, but I’m just throwing that out there. That would make the experience like way, way cooler.

1 (11m 36s):
Yeah. So we also went to Jamestown and if you have a national park pass, it’s valid for a discounted admission here. Ooh. Yes. We love to save money.

2 (11m 46s):
How far has Jamestown from Williamsburg?

3 (11m 49s):
Well, if we’re keeping with the time period, it would be about a day’s carriage ride away. Now, honestly, what about 15 miles? Probably a little bit less. Not very, very far

1 (11m 59s):
Within 30 minutes.

3 (11m 59s):
Yeah. But back in the day to travel like that’s w you know, it was a lot of time and so Jamestown, maybe you’ve heard of it. It was actually the oldest British settlement that they had in the United States. Captain John Smith landed here. Pocahontas. We may know from the Disney movie, she is a real person. Believe it or not, all of that history takes place here in Jamestown.

1 (12m 22s):
So while we were going to Jamestown, I was putting on the Pocahontas soundtrack as we’re like driving up. And I love to do that. When we went to San Sysco, we went by the full house house. So I was putting on their theme. Oh

2 (12m 34s):
Yeah. When we were in Chicago, we were playing. What was that show? Yes.

1 (12m 40s):
So going into Jamestown, I was like Pocahontas soundtrack now. And then we could drive in. So

2 (12m 46s):
You said the entrance was discounted. So what, what was it? And then what did you guys actually pay with the discount? Do you remember?

1 (12m 52s):
I want to say it was around 20 to $25 and we paid 10

2 (12m 56s):
Per person or per car per

1 (12m 58s):
Person. Okay.

3 (12m 59s):
Yeah. Per person now. Yeah. So it definitely wasn’t too bad. Although I will say this Jamestown, if you’re a history person it’s worth exploring, like I said, it’s really the first permanent British settlement in the Americas. So it has its fame to claim from that. However, realistically, everything that’s left there and that you can see is pretty much rebuilt. It’s not like colonial Williamsburg where these buildings are really from the time period, they abandoned this area because it was so much closer to the water. Then Williamsburg really swampy, lots of bugs, lots of issues. So even though it was the first settlement, they really didn’t keep it for long. So really what you go see is kind of stuff that’s been rebuilt.

3 (13m 39s):
That’s not original. However, they are doing archeological digs in the area. So we were actually there saw some archeologists, digging, finding some artifacts. The only thing of importance that’s really standing there, that’s original is like the base of their church and a graveyard that they had there. And then they’ve rebuilt that back up. But what they’ve rebuilt up is not the original foundation, only the base is what’s original and the grave. So, you know, for the history, it’s cool. But realistically, you know, not as cool as Williamsburg, if I’m being completely honest,

2 (14m 10s):
Were there a lot of bugs when you were there?

1 (14m 13s):
Yes. It’s

3 (14m 14s):

1 (14m 14s):
Over a bridge that kind of went over like a swampy marsh area. And one of the things that I read about it was like, you can tell you’re in Jamestown because of the buzz in the air. And we could literally hear all the bugs buzzing around while we were walked out every like few steps. You’re like swatting, like, oh, is that in my,

3 (14m 33s):
And that’s another reason. Like I said, realistically, they moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg, made that the Capitol made that inhabited area because it was just a mess. It was too swampy over there. And right.

2 (14m 44s):
Did you, or did you not swallow a bug on this trip?

1 (14m 48s):
I did swallow a bug on this trip, but it wasn’t here and I made a full commitment to like fully swallowing it down. It just

2 (14m 55s):
Hit. And you go to down

3 (14m 58s):
Well, when we come across that remind us of that later

1 (15m 1s):
In episode 94 for Shenandoah, when we were on the hike.

3 (15m 5s):
That’s right. I remember now I thought it was going to be when we go into Bush gardens and maybe was on a rollercoaster and he swallowed it and had no choice. But now that he say that, I remember. Yeah. But yeah, but here at Jamestown they have Pocahontas statue, John Smith statue. Again, you know, the Disney movie is the Disney movie. The real history is not really what’s shown up in the movie itself, but just to give you kind of context of the people that’s really there and the times, so one of the cooler things though that I found other than visiting, you know, just the regular Jamestown area, is that on the area where the Jamestown settlement was, they do have some turtles in that area and they have their nesting season. So we were there during nesting season and they have a road that gets you into a forested area that you can walk, get by the water, see them.

3 (15m 51s):
We went to go look in, didn’t really see any that were nesting. But when we got to like a little swampy area, we did see some of the turtles swimming and saw a little baby one. Yeah. So it was really, really cool. So you can see wildlife, like that’s one thing that really surprised me about, you know, Virginia and the east coast is if you really look at a map of the east coast and actually see the roads, they’re highly concentrated together. So you really think like, man, it’s just this one big urban sprawl and it really is. But yet somehow they’ve built it all with a nature. Like you drive in Virginia and everything’s green, like green, green, green. So even though you’re an open spaces, all of a sudden now, like I’m in Jamestown, I’m in this big open clearing, all of a sudden I’m in a forest and that forest has swamped, whether it has sea turtles and all this stuff in it.

3 (16m 35s):
Yeah, yeah,

1 (16m 36s):
Yeah. That baby turtle made my day because they had the road blocked off. So we had to like commit in the heat to walk into the park. And I was like, we better see some turtles and that baby turtle swimming was the highlight. So cute. But as Jamal side, you know, there was a lot of nature we were driving from at Norfolk, which is where we flew in, in Virginia to our timeshare in Williamsburg. And we felt like we were driving through the forest. We were, we were having turned like our bright lights on. And I was having on the map to like tell Jamal, like, you’re coming up to a stop. You’re gonna have to turn here because it was so dark because there were no lights out, like no streetlights, because you’re just in the,

3 (17m 14s):
I mean, I get off the major interstate and then all of a sudden I take a turn and then I’m in the forest, no lights on the road. I’m just like, am I even going the right way as Google maps, like screwing me here. And then all of a sudden you just get this clearing like, oh, I’m in town now,

2 (17m 28s):
Did you see a lot of stars because of

3 (17m 29s):
That? No, not really. Because even though you have those pockets of the forested area, it really is a highly concentrated area of just people. So you still have that urban light pollution. So unfortunately not, but you get into the forest randomly, which is really, really weird.

1 (17m 45s):
Yeah. Another thing that we did while we were in Virginia was we went to Yorktown. Those are the three big areas, the Williamsburg, the Jamestown and the Yorktown areas. So those are the areas. If you’re near Norfolk or near Williamsburg, you’re going to hit all three of them. And the national park passes are valid for admission at the Yorktown battlefield. And it really, yes.

2 (18m 7s):
So you didn’t have to play,

1 (18m 9s):
No, we didn’t have to pay

2 (18m 10s):
You really fucking them

3 (18m 11s):
At Jamestown. It was just a discount at Yorktown free.

2 (18m 15s):
It’s getting better and better.

1 (18m 16s):
Yes. And so you do these self guided driving tours and you get out and stop at each site. So if you go to the visitor center, they’ll give you a map and there’s two options. So there is a battlefield tour, which is a seven mile drive and it covers the British inner defense line and the allied seizure lines, the Morehouse and the surrender field. And you would probably need about 45 minutes for this tour. Jamal, why don’t you tell us the highlights of this tour?

3 (18m 45s):
Yeah. Well, you mentioned really the main things that you’re going to see, and you know, when you mentioned them, the inner defense line, the allied siege line, Morehouse, all that really means nothing. I’m not going to really go into it on the episode and by what it means, nothing is thus, you know, history. You don’t know what they mean, but the good news is the tour’s going to tell you, so you start off doing the driving tour. They’ll tell you in the visitor center, Hey, there’s this one app, go ahead and download it. When you get to section one, hit play, it’s going to tell you exactly what you’re seeing here. Drive to section two. It’s going to tell you, and it really re-enacts the battle of your count, which like I said, this was pretty much the final battle that won the us independence from great Britain.

3 (19m 27s):
And the reason why we’re a country now, I mean, you’re on the battlefield for it. You could see the old bunkers and fortresses that they made other type of stuff. So really, really interesting to be like, if things had gone differently, what I still have a British accent or how would the world be different now? I mean, like that’s history in the spot in which you’re standing and it’s quite wild in a sense

2 (19m 47s):
That is really cool. And it makes me wonder, like British came over here, colonized the area and then said F you to the British. We don’t want to be a part of you anymore. Like what, but I guess that does happen. We’re trying to like break states off and stuff like that still today. Yeah. Being in those bots of history, it kind of just like makes you feel really small and blows your mind. Yeah,

3 (20m 10s):
It really doesn’t. I don’t even say this in the sense that we’re American and it’s American history. Let’s not kid ourselves. We know what America standing is in the world in terms of like a global superpower. So even if you’re a foreigner to appreciate what has happened here and how has this affected literally everything in the world since the 17 hundreds, in a sense, I mean, it’s world history in a way also to, to make it more exciting. So you have the optional tours in which you can do. Like I said, we did the smaller seven mile drive. They do have a nine mile drive that takes you to see more things, but you get as much time as you want to put out of it. Right. We asked the national park ranger because even though it’s not an official national park, it’s administered by the national park service.

3 (20m 54s):
And he said, quite honestly, you could be done with it in 45 minutes. But if you really want to read every sign at every stop, listen to every word that they say on that app. People can honestly spend Yolo four to five hours here, but we weren’t trying to do that at that time.

1 (21m 9s):
Well, also you could choose to ride your bike instead of drive your car and make that a loop as well. But one of the things that I mentioned was the Morehouse and it’s actually a really significant spot. It’s where the officers from both sides met to negotiate the surrender terms for Cornwallis his army. So we got to see that house from the outside. It would have been cool to see the inside of it. But I think it had burned down a few times and was like really disheveled. So they have restored that portion. And then also we went by surrender field, which is the field where Cornwallis is army marched onto the field. And they laid down their arms in surrender. And that is where the last major battle of the revolutionary war ended.

3 (21m 51s):
Yeah. And Cornwall is just in case you haven’t got it. He was the commanding officer of the breeder. So he’s pretty much the general that said I’m surrendering. Right? So

2 (21m 59s):
I wonder what it was that made him want to surrender,

3 (22m 2s):
Or they were losing,

1 (22m 3s):
Losing it when he was sick. And he actually didn’t surrender himself. He sent someone to surrender for him

3 (22m 8s):
And George Washington refused to accept his sword. I mean, back in the day, there was a etiquette to battle, you know what I mean? And so since he was unable to make it because he himself was sick, George Washington, and they tell you this like an app and everything like that, when they’re going over the history, he refused to accept the sword because it wasn’t personally handed to him. Yeah. He had a little pride in him, I guess,

1 (22m 31s):
Drama on the battlefield.

3 (22m 33s):
So the last thing that we really did in Virginia itself was go to Bush gardens and Bush gardens in case you guys are unaware is an amusement park. They have one here in Williamsburg, Virginia, and one in Tampa, Florida. And I am a big rollercoaster and amusement park fan. I’ve always wanted to go to Busch gardens. So we were fortunate enough that we had a free day and we were like, we’re going to Bush gardens. They had their food and wine festival going on. At that time, they had an awesome deal where you can actually pay for 15 items. It could be alcoholic beverages, the foods from any of the stands and pavilions of which they had the different types of cuisine.

3 (23m 14s):
So we ended up buying that and Brittany and I split roaming around the park, eating different food, getting different drinks. And it was really fun too, with riding the rides.

1 (23m 23s):
Yeah. We bought a package for like 15 different items. I want to say it was around $70, I think.

3 (23m 29s):
Yeah. It was about $70. So if you do the math that comes out to be a decent price per item, versus if you were to pay for it all a car, right. And it included alcohol, like how could you go wrong with it, including alcohol for that price to where

2 (23m 42s):
The items

3 (23m 44s):
Sizable? You know, it depends on quite honestly, some of them were done in like one or two bites and some of them were a little bit large, like as an example, one of the pavilions was Virginia, which makes sense. You’re in Virginia. So they had a different type of what was it that we had. It was the hush puppies. And then what was the other thing that we had, it was the Virginia chapter that they have with their crap. So, so bomb, quite honestly, I was more excited to try the foreign ones and Virginia really blew me away with their food. Their hushpuppies had like a really awesome like honey with it that I was so good. And they had a Korea pavilion, they had an Italy, one Mexico, a Mediterranean one also with like lamb burgers, things like that.

3 (24m 29s):
So it

1 (24m 29s):
Was, it was good.

3 (24m 30s):
Yeah. So really cool to go around. And it makes sense for Bush gardens too, because Bush gardens is actually rated one of the most beautiful amusement parks in the world, specifically the Williamsburg one in terms of its theming and their theming areas are different countries, right. So they have the different pavilions and it just makes sense and fits the whole ambiance.

1 (24m 51s):
I said, it kind of reminded me of Epcot and Disneyland, but Jamal didn’t think so,

3 (24m 55s):
But Disney world

1 (24m 56s):
Disney world. Yes.

3 (24m 58s):
I mean, it kind of did, but to really compare any other amusement park to a Disney theme park, I think is, you know, unfair because Disney is above and beyond. And even though Bush gardens consistently ranks like one of the best theme parks in the world, in terms of general theming, I still can’t compare it to a Disney park. That’s for sure.

2 (25m 16s):
When you plan this trip, did you know this food and wine festival was going on or did you stumble upon?

3 (25m 22s):
And we stumbled upon the fact that it was going on at this time, because again, this trip came about because we wanted to use our timeshare. And this was just happened to be the time in may. And that’s when they happened to have the food and wine festival. So it worked out perfectly, but even without the food and wine festival, I would recommend going to push gardens. Awesome rollercoasters, awesome theming, great time.

1 (25m 44s):
And at the time we went and there was really new lines. We did not wait in line for more than five minutes at a time. And we had some really amazing roller coasters. I didn’t ride them all because I get motion sick after a while, but there was some pretty awesome ones that I did ride where there was like a vertical drop. And I wrote that one twice. Cause it was really fun.

3 (26m 4s):
I don’t know if you could have hung on that one.

2 (26m 5s):
Definitely not,

1 (26m 8s):
But schmatta freak out on this day. Did we mention that? Yes.

3 (26m 12s):
Well, another Brittany induced freak out. Mind you, I just want to throw that out there. All my freak outs of Brittany induced freak

1 (26m 17s):
Outs, what happened? Your

3 (26m 18s):
Mom? Well, basically we had actually decided that, you know, we’re going to have a couple drinks before we get into the park because we had bought beer. As a matter of fact, since we’re at the timeshare, you know, we were buying a lot of our own food really for like breakfast and a couple other things. So when we were getting at Brittany saw like a six pack of beer that she really wanted to try and when Brittany sees a beer and is attracted to it, it’s like shocking in and of itself. So I was like, all right, we’re going to go ahead and get it. And so we basically said, all right, we’re going to take a couple of those beers. And we’re just going to have them in the parking lot before we go. And then we get to the parking lot. And as soon as we get to the parking lot, I sh we’re not even in yet. We have a major line back up because everybody in their cars is waiting to pay to park.

3 (27m 0s):
And so I told Brittany like, all right, well, we’re not really driving on any roads. We’re parked still, just moving slowly, but surely don’t do this at home guys, but we ended up opening up our beers while we were just like waiting to get into the parking

2 (27m 14s):

3 (27m 16s):
I guess a little bit, but not really. Okay. So we decided like we’re going to open it up and I’m drinking mine and it’s taking forever really to get in there because they only have so few stalls open to pay for the parking. And then I think I ended up having a second one or did we only bring one each? I don’t really recall. But the point being of that is we were literally sitting for 30, 35 minutes in that line waiting to park. And by the time we finally got to park and Brittany sitting over here babysitting her beer, we finally park, she has half a beer left and she’s like, wait, I got to finish it. I’m like, you got to finish it. Like, how did you not finish it by now?

3 (27m 57s):
And you know, like when I get to amusement parks, I want to be there when it opens. I want to be like in there right away before lines start to form. And so, because it took so long with the parking, it was already after opening time. So I was already getting some anxiety. So I kind of freaked out on Brittany because she was babysitting her beer. Like you should’ve finished that in 35 minutes.

1 (28m 17s):
I was like, give me a minute. I mean, we probably had two and I was like, give me just a second. I’m going to finish it. He was like green to finish it. The park

4 (28m 24s):
Brittany, we need to get in there and only open for a few hours tonight.

3 (28m 28s):
Yeah. By the way, they were only open for like six hours that day from the afternoon to like the early evening, like nine o’clock. So that’s why there was a time crunch in a sense too. So Brittany babysitting her beer caused me a freak.

1 (28m 42s):
Hey travelers, let’s take a quick detour to talk all about our Travel Itineraries that we’ve created just for you. We now have six different trip itineraries one week in Kauai

2 (28m 53s):
And American Southwest weekend or road trip

3 (28m 55s):
A week in Yellowstone and grand Teton, national parks

1 (28m 59s):
Road trip adventure featuring all three of Washington. State’s national parks,

3 (29m 4s):
Big island, Hawaii, and an Arizona road trip that features all three of Arizona’s national parks.

2 (29m 10s):
We are obsessed with these. These itineraries are 20 to 30 page PDF guides with every detail of the trip laid out. We’re talking where to fly into the exact route to take where to stay park entrance prices, where to eat and driving distance between attractions plus what things to see and do even the hikes we recommend and their mileage and the time to allow for each one and so much more.

1 (29m 30s):
We have story highlights on our Instagram at Travel Squad Podcast, where you can see the full guides. We’ve done all of the research and have taken these exact trips, taking out all of the guesswork from the so all that you have to do is show up and have fun

3 (29m 44s):
Purchase your comprehensive Travel Squad Podcast, itinerary on our website at Travel Squad, Podcast dot com, best of all, they’re on sale right now for $30. So travel on over and get yours today.

1 (29m 56s):
So that was really everything that we did in the Williamsburg area. And then from there, we, again, like we said, we use Williamsburg as a hub and one of the days we did a day trip to Washington DC.

3 (30m 9s):
And I was really excited about this. I’ve never been to Washington DC before Brittany has been when she was in high school for her FFA. I don’t think you were still in FFA at that time to make it on that trip with her, where you can react. So you didn’t go to DC. So I was really excited about it. I mean, I’m a big American history fan or just history in general. So I was really excited to go, but, you know, we still were going and the days of COVID, even those things started to open back up the Smithsonian’s weren’t open major disappointment. I really wanted to go to one of the museums in DC because of what happened earlier this year, federal buildings that should be open for tours, like the white house Capitol close.

3 (30m 50s):
So yeah, so all I got to do was really see the major buildings from the outside and kind of walk in the area. I mean, we started off at the Lincoln Memorial, followed down to the reflection pool, which leads you to the world war II Memorial went to the white house Capitol, Washington monument. So those are really the highlights that we saw there just walking along Capitol mall, but unfortunately nothing was open because of COVID for the museums and other reasons for the federal buildings. So it kind of, I don’t want to say hindered the trip a little bit, but it didn’t complete it. And I’m ready to go back to DC when it’s open. Yeah.

1 (31m 25s):
We would have to go back to DC to do some of the Smithsonian’s. You could spend a few days just checking out all of those museums, but it’s a good day trip. It was only a two and a half hour drive each way. And the Capitol mall area is huge. So Jamal and I actually considered renting like the bird scooters and we’re like, we saw some are like, yeah, let’s rent some. And then just go around. If we wanted to rent the bird scooters for three hours, it was going to cost $70 per person like God, which was ridiculous. So we ended up walking,

3 (31m 55s):
We ended up walking. I mean, at that point per person, I might as well just pay for a cab. Cause we parked on Capitol mall. We were really lucky. I mean, there’s very hard parking in Washington, DC if you’ve never really been there. Right. So we found parking. We were really, really lucky. It was kind of like in the middle of everything, but everything is on opposite ends. So even though we’re in the middle, we got to walk all the way to the opposite end on one side. And then what we want to see is on the opposite end of the other side, too. Right? So we’re like, let’s get the scooters. And then it just turned out to be way too expensive. So we walked, which made it a little bit more enjoyable in the sense that we got to have a slower, more enjoyable time to soak it all in. But again, really only the sites. And I do want to go back for the Smithsonian’s really bad,

1 (32m 37s):
But because a lot of the Smithsonian’s closed, it was a lot less crowded. And so we did have the sites pretty much to ourselves. So we got to explore at our own leisure and it wasn’t super crowded while we were there, which was really nice. And we did walk all the way from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol building, which are on complete opposite sides of Capitol mall. The unfortunate part about seeing the white house is due to the previous events earlier in the year. It was really hard to see. We didn’t have a really good view of the white house.

3 (33m 6s):
They have a big wall up of it right now. So you could build a wall, they built a wall, but you could really only see like the top end of where we were standing at least of the Truman balcony, which some people may know may not know, but it’s a very iconic point of the white house itself. But from my understanding though, is even before what happened earlier this year, they were already supposed to be redoing the perimeter around the white house. But because it’s still under construction, it’s like that full blockade. So it was really tough to see except for the top. So yeah, I know. I know. So I need to go back point being but enjoyable. Nonetheless, there’s lots of Michelin starred restaurants in DC.

3 (33m 46s):
We ended up going on a Monday and 75% of those restaurants. Michelin starred ones were closed on Mondays. So it’s like a whole combination of things. Really. I don’t want to say ruined it cause I’m still so glad we went, but gave me a reason to go back.

2 (34m 0s):
Yeah. I would like to go when I can actually go toward the white house. That’d be really, really cool.

3 (34m 5s):
Yeah. I want to go to and tour the white house where the capital, all that.

1 (34m 9s):
Do you know on some of the tours you have to like write your local government to get to her passes.

3 (34m 14s):
Yeah. For the white house, we were looking into that before everything happened and you know, even during COVID we thought, okay, maybe they’d be open back up to get tickets for the white house. You have to write your congressional representative and they see if there’s any space available and they are the ones to get you the tickets. Interestingly enough.

2 (34m 31s):
Well, I do know our previous mayor and current man vying for the governorship of California

3 (34m 38s):
Candidate, Kevin

2 (34m 39s):
Talking to her men of a couple of times at a pride party.

3 (34m 42s):
Yeah. Look at you Ms. Fancy and then rubbing shoulders with the mayor soon to be governor possibly.

2 (34m 48s):
So maybe I can get us some passes. That’ll be

1 (34m 52s):
So from DC, we went to Annapolis, which is also in Maryland. And we learned that Maryland love their crabs.

3 (35m 1s):
They love their crabs out there. And I’m talking about the crabs that you eat by the way, if we were just concerned. Yeah. But basically the reason why we went here, so Annapolis is not too far. What was it like a 45 minute drive from Washington DC? Maybe even a little bit less. So a client of mine that I was talking to before this trip, I had mentioned that I was going to be going to the East Coast. She herself happens to be from Maryland and I was asking her, is there anything that I should do? And she said, you have to go to Annapolis. And Annapolis in case you don’t know is Maryland’s capital. Their capital only has a population about like 35,000 people. So for a big city like Baltimore and DC, that’s not too far away from this.

3 (35m 44s):
I mean, their capital is so small in size. I mean, it’s smaller than our hometown of Woodland, California that has like 55, 60,000 people. So this is even smaller than that, but what’s really cool about it is the town itself has a along the water and you really walk in there and you really get that sense of old school East Coast field. Like, I don’t want to say they’re colonial buildings. Like we saw in Williamsburg, but the really old brick buildings everything’s done up like really nice. It has this nice quaint feel. And then they have so many restaurants along the water that serve the Maryland crab and sea food. And so we specifically went after DC to go get some seafood and Annapolis.

1 (36m 24s):
Yeah. We had to try all the crabs. We got like crab cake, sandwich, crab, artichoke dip, crab soup. We had all that crap.

3 (36m 31s):
It was bombed by the way. And I know you’re not into seafood Kim, but I dare say you may have an enjoyed the artichoke dip or the soup. Cause you really can’t tell. And the crab cakes I’ll give that to you maybe. But the other ones, you know, if you took a bite, possibly you might say, okay, I can handle this

2 (36m 47s):
Maybe, but I guess we’ll never know.

3 (36m 49s):
You’ll never know until we go to DC and then I’m going to take you here.

1 (36m 53s):
We’re going to hit up Kevin Faulkner tickets. We’re going to go to DC. You’re gonna try the crab. It’s going to be a whole experience. Okay. All right. So another day while we were in the east coast, we went to ocean city, Maryland. So we’re all from a small town, right outside of Sacramento. And while you’re on one of the major Sacramento freeways

3 (37m 13s):
Us highway 50, by the way,

1 (37m 15s):
There, it says going towards ocean city, Maryland. And that’s kind of the Terminus of where this freeway ends. And so Jamal was like, well, if we go to ocean city, Maryland, will it have Sacramento on the other side? Like how many miles to Sacramento he was like, is that going to say what the Terminus is? So we went to find out,

3 (37m 36s):
Well, we went to find out because I mean, I grew up my whole life seen that sign. Like the start of us highway 50 is in Sacramento. And it has the sign that says ocean city gives the appropriate mileage. And I thought to myself, like Brittany said, well on ocean city size, does it tell me the end of Sacramento? And let me tell you something. It definitely does. And I was super stoked to see it, you know, all my whole life growing up, seeing that I never thought to myself, I’d be in ocean city. So because I was close, I wanted to go see it. See it say Sacramento on the other side. But beyond just that ocean city is a very popular resort town area and Maryland, lots of families go, it has a beautiful Atlantic seaside boardwalk area with rollercoasters shops, food, the whole works.

3 (38m 19s):
So it has all of that going for it. And I think I saw something that said the population of ocean city is actually rather small, like 25, 30,000 people, but a week in population could get up to 200,000 with people from the DC Metro and everywhere that comes to visit it. So there’s more people there that are tourists and actually living there. So it’s geared up to be this kind of like big, fun place. And I really, really loved it.

1 (38m 46s):
And like Jamal said, it’s a big boardwalk. It’s beautiful. It’s wooden, plenty of walking space and

2 (38m 51s):
Literally a boardwalk. It’s

3 (38m 52s):
Literally a boardwalk

1 (38m 54s):
And it’s going down miles of beach, which Kim would love beach beach, beach, beach, beach,

3 (38m 59s):
Long beach, by the way, the beach is long. The sand is nice and white and you know, from the boardwalk to the water, I thought to myself like, shit, this is a fricking walk for us. Like honestly, like it was really far,

1 (39m 11s):
It was a lot of sand to get to the

3 (39m 12s):
Water. Yeah. So on a big crowded day, like, I don’t know, cause I’ve not there during the summer when it’s really, really hot. But I have to imagine, even though it’s crowded, there’s a lot of space. I mean, that beach was huge. Yeah.

1 (39m 22s):
And USA today rated as one of the best at boardwalks for food. So definitely try out some of the food in the area and national geographic put it on their top 10 list of best boardwalks in the U S

2 (39m 34s):
Wow. Did you guys eat any food and do any rides?

3 (39m 38s):
Well, we did not do any rides that day. However, we did eat some food, but not the type of food that I really wanted to eat on there. At that point in time, Brittany really had a hankering for like just a soft serve ice cream cone. So we ended up getting that it was good, but they have everything like from deep fried Oreos to corn dogs, like all the type of good, fair food that you can imagine that you get at state fairs or any other type of bears. I mean, they have that and above and beyond, obviously, you know, we were back in Maryland. I mean, we didn’t go to Annapolis and then go to ocean city. I mean, we went back home pretty much like every night. So this was like another day’s trip. We’re like, we want to eat seafood again. So we didn’t get to experience as much food on the boardwalk as we wanted, because we were like, we want to eat the seafood,

2 (40m 23s):
No rights,

3 (40m 24s):
No rides. Unfortunately We did. We did. But let me tell you this though, what really shocked me about ocean city is you drive that main road and it’ll take you north. And it’ll go up into Delaware, which is actually where we went to another boardwalk seaside town, but they love their mini golf out there. Like literally every block corner had some sort of dinosaur themed mini goals, dinosaur theme, mini golf, like I’m driving down the road. I’m telling Brittany like my God, like I’m inspired to play mini golf right now. Like it got me really excited. I’m not exaggerating. There was over like 25 on that stretch from ocean city, 30 miles up into Delaware.

3 (41m 6s):
Like literally there was mini golf all over the

2 (41m 9s):
Place, all dinosaur themed,

3 (41m 11s):
90% of them, 90% of them. So like we said, the main reason why we did that other than to cross off a new state for us and go to Delaware because it was so close to ocean city was to go to Rehoboth Beach, which is also another east coast beach town with a boardwalk. And so it’s one of those things growing up here on the west coast, we know what our beaches look like and kind of what their little peers and things have, but something along the east coast, they just look a little bit different. And so this was another town like that. And I was really, really excited to go and experience it. And it was cool. They have another classic wooden boardwalk. They have their beach food. Also, I will say the beach here in Delaware and terms of length and size was not as big as ocean city, but you could just even tell a difference of the architecture of the homes.

3 (41m 57s):
Like it got a lot more mellow and Delaware, and then the homes just looked like East Coast homes. I mean, I don’t know how to describe it. Other than that, it just had like that different architecture and look

2 (42m 6s):
Really big homes.

3 (42m 7s):
Yeah. And just like really done in a beautiful classical style.

2 (42m 11s):
More like boxes with roofs.

3 (42m 14s):
Yes. Yes, absolutely. Even at one point, once we crossed the state lines, like it dramatically changed and a little bit before we got to Rehoboth Beach, Brittany said, we need to stop here because I want to take photos of this house. And it was in front of this one little man-made lake and these people had their own docs in front of their own lake. And it’s just like, this is off of a main road, but it’s not heavily trafficked either. So it’s nice peaceful. It’s just beautiful out there. East Coast is wild.

1 (42m 40s):
Yeah. And this town builds itself for being the nations summer capital people flock here. People come from DC, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania. It’s really, well-known the boardwalks a mile long. And there’s tons of people watching. There’s lots of benches just lining the beach and Jamal, I just sat for a while and we’re just like watching people and just laughing just because people are funny.

3 (43m 4s):
Yeah. They had a salt water taffy place and Brittany loves salt water taffy. And so we picked up some taffy, sat on the bench, watch some people. And you know, it was really nice and exciting. And Brittany had mentioned that lots of people from DC, Maryland, and all over the place, come and visit there. Guess who has a summer home out in Rio? Both our current president, Mr. Joe Biden from Delaware has a home out here in this area. So even the president goes to Rehoboth Beach nowadays. Oh, also one last thing I want to say about Rehoboth Beach. If you guys are really into beer or craft brews, I’m sure people know of dog fish had brewery. They have their original location here in Rehoboth Beach. It’s out in that area.

3 (43m 44s):
So Rehoboth is also a really popular place for a craft brew scene. So I don’t want to say it’s the East Coast equivalent to San Diego because we have it here, but you can definitely enjoy that out there too. So there’s lots of stuff to do. Lots of shops to wonder if you’re not necessarily a beach person, but it’s definitely worth going out to check because it has cool city vibes all around.

1 (44m 3s):
Yeah. And we went in may and we had a hard time finding parking, what we did find parking. And the meter said, if it’s before Memorial day, you don’t have to pay. But after Memorial day they start charging. Cause people just flock tonight.

3 (44m 16s):
I think it was like, yeah, I think it was like a week or two weeks before Memorial day is when they say that’s when they start to charge. And we were there early may. So we’re like, oh hell yeah, no parking free parking. Hell yeah. I was like monopoly board over here.

1 (44m 28s):
So that’s really what we did in the East Coast. Like we said, we use as a hub, we went to ocean city, Maryland. We went to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. We went to Napa LIS DC. And we explored colonial Williamsburg and that area. And we just made a whole week of it. And like we said earlier, we also went to Shenandoah national park and new river Gorge national park. But again, we didn’t include those in this episode.

3 (44m 52s):
Yeah. Great time. I highly recommend the east coast of the United States. It pleasantly surprised me. Not that I thought it was going to be bad, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I was truly, truly anticipating.

2 (45m 1s):
It sounds fun. So between this episode, everything you did here, as well as our previous episode on Shenandoah and the stuff you guys did there, how many days exactly was this trip?

1 (45m 11s):
Saturday to Saturday.

2 (45m 12s):
So eight days that makes it nice. Yeah.

3 (45m 15s):
Well, by the time we landed on Saturday, keep in mind, we’re coming from the west coast to the east coast. By the time we checked into our timeshare was already past midnight. So that one day was really traveling. We woke up that Sunday morning, hit the ground, running, doing what we were doing and flew home the following Saturday. So we had that limited time of from Sunday to Friday and then Saturday was the fly home day.

2 (45m 35s):
Okay. So six days of active adventures. Two days of travel. Correct. Nice. Sounds like you guys just did it all.

3 (45m 42s):
I mean, you know how we are? Can we hit the ground running? There’s no a rest with Brittany. It’s all.

2 (45m 47s):
I mean, you guys got in past midnight. Why did you even sleep? You should have just hit the ground running.

3 (45m 52s):
I needed a little bit, but we did hit the ground running

1 (45m 56s):
Jamal. You’re not giving me credit. We did sleep in one day on the day that we went to Busch gardens, Bush gardens. Didn’t open up til 3:00 PM.

2 (46m 3s):
So you’re the reason you got there late.

3 (46m 5s):
I know, but we slept in that day because the day before that is the day that we drove back to Williamsburg from new river Gorge, which was like five and a half, six hour drive. So by the time we got done whitewater rafting like three, four o’clock in the afternoon and driving five plus hours. And again, keep in mind, we didn’t mention it. In this episode. We mentioned it in the episode, talking about Shenandoah new river Gorge. That’s when they had the gas shortage on the east coast. So by the time we got home past midnight, I had to go scavenge the town for gas to fill up. So yeah, we slept in, but by the time we slept in, it was breakfast time, get ready. And it was already like, let’s go to the park. So that’s the one day we slept in, but I wouldn’t really call it a sleep.

2 (46m 47s):
All right. Well, we have arrived to my favorite time of the week questions of the week. Our first question here is coming from Katie, from Renton, Washington. And Katie is asking, how much did your trip cost?

1 (47m 9s):
We were gone eight days, like we had just said, and total, we spent $2,500 that included our flights, which total we paid $300, lodging, rental, car gas, food souvenirs, and all of the activities that we did. Busch gardens, they’ll whitewater rafting, all of the ticket entrances to like colonial Williamsburg, national parks, all of that. That’s what we spent

2 (47m 32s):

3 (47m 33s):
All in all. I don’t think very bad for two people for a week long vacation, right? I mean, that comes to 1250 per person over the span of a week with food and flights and things like that included. I mean, that’s a deal if we take out flights and the rental car and the rental car was for a week, like 375 bucks, the rest of it, not too bad at all. I don’t think.

2 (47m 52s):
And tell Katie about some of the hacking approaches that you took to make this trip cost less.

1 (47m 60s):
Well, I do have a Southwest credit card and I do have the companion pass, which means that if I buy a flight, Jamal can be my companion for just the taxes, which are $5 and 60 cents each way. So I paid for the flights and it was about 200. And let’s just say $90. And he paid the 10, $11 in the fees. So we really saved $300. In that regard. We also booked a rental car. It was more expensive initially. And I kept my eye out to see if there were any sales or if the price went down and it did go down some originally it was close to $500 for the week and we got it down to 3 75. So I canceled our old reservation rebooked, got it for 3 75 for the week instead.

1 (48m 43s):
And we used our timeshare. So we stayed in a place that had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a washer, dryer, kitchen, living room. And we just paid the amount of cost to exchange, which was about $260.

2 (48m 58s):

1 (48m 59s):
So can you imagine like paying for lodging where it could be, you know, a hundred dollars a night or

3 (49m 5s):
Two 60 for one

1 (49m 6s):
Night? Yeah.

2 (49m 8s):
That’s insane. Two 60 for seven nights before

3 (49m 11s):
And a place that’s two bedroom, two bath with a kitchen living room. It’s literally like a suite and apartment. So I mean, if you’re a family, you know, it’s great. And like I said, you don’t necessarily have to be a timeshare owner to rent places and timeshares. There’s a certain place where you can go and look. But since we own one, like I said, we just pay an exchange fee because we’re using one, that’s not our home base, but for a week’s time, like $260 for all that lodging, it’s definitely great. And again, a lot of things you can travel hack and save money on too, like purchasing things in advance, the Busch gardens tickets. If you buy them online, they’re cheaper than if you buy them at the gate, things like that. So always, you know, really look into what it is you’re going to do. See if you could buy stuff online in advance more often than not, depending on the activity that you’re doing.

3 (49m 55s):
I do find that they are cheaper than when you purchase at the gate specifically. Like we said, Bush gardens. I even think our whitewater rafting had something like that. That was a little bit cheaper because we booked ahead. Yeah.

2 (50m 6s):
That’s pretty amazing. And then we have just another question kind of came in funny on our Instagram stories. Someone wants to know how many freakouts did Jamal have on this trip.

3 (50m 15s):
Other than the one self-induced one from Brittany zero

1 (50m 19s):
Airport. I can’t even remember what,

2 (50m 22s):
Oh, I remember you told me his bag weighed too much and your bag was already gone

1 (50m 28s):
Because we were going to be gone for a longer period of time. We did check her bag and Jamal was convinced my bag was heavier. So we put my bag on first and it weighed in it wasn’t over the limit. So the guy puts it on the little thing that makes it go away, the belt. And then Jamal puts his back on and his bag is two pounds over.

2 (50m 49s):
So close

1 (50m 50s):
As Jamal was like, can you get her bag? Can you stop it and bring her back back? Cause he wanted to put some things in my bag and my bag had already made it off the belt and was in the back. And they were like, we’re going to have to stop it, go downstairs. And we’re like, no. So Jamal had to open up his bag, take out his jacket. He didn’t want to carry, put some things in his backpack. So

3 (51m 10s):
I put a few small things in my backpack, like my GoPro and a couple other things like that. The main thing that was really heavy was my jacket. And so even though we were going to the east coast and at this time in may, it should already be humid. Like they said in colonial Williamsburg, it should’ve felt like we were breathing in hot soup, but we were looking at the weather going a whole bunch of different places, different climates to national parks. So it’s like I packed some heavier gear. I packed some lighter gear. So I think that was another reason too. Why we checked luggage is because we were going to be in so many different climates. And even at one point it rained on us too. So yeah, I didn’t want to carry a jacket on the plane. You know, it wouldn’t fit in my backpack at that point.

3 (51m 51s):
And I didn’t want to carry a big peacoat jacket. So that was one of the, if you want to call it a freak out, it was more just an annoyance than

2 (51m 57s):
Anything else. Legitimate reason to have a freak out. I

3 (51m 60s):
Mean, do you want to carry a two pound jacket the whole time on a plane? I

1 (52m 3s):
Wouldn’t bother me

3 (52m 4s):
All that. Well then you could have carried it.

1 (52m 6s):
I had my own jacket and then the gas shortage where we couldn’t find gas, literally Jamal was having a freak out about that too.

3 (52m 14s):
Yeah, because we were road tripping it. I mean, my God, they’re running out of gas at a time in which we’re road tripping.

2 (52m 23s):

3 (52m 23s):
Just stating facts. You’d panic too. I mean, I don’t want my trip to be ruined because I can’t find gas and not go where I need to go the next day or be somewhere that’s a three and a half, four hour drive away and not have gas to get back to our hotel. So it was a little panic inducing, but I wouldn’t call those ones freak out. I wouldn’t call them

1 (52m 43s):
Say that you had three freakouts. All right.

3 (52m 46s):
That’s fair. Although it’s really one, but that’s okay.

2 (52m 50s):
Well, I’m glad that you guys had a good time on this trip. It sounds like it was one to remember.

3 (52m 54s):
It was really fun. I’m ready to go back and hopefully this time squad trip to DC when things are open up, because I know we’ll have a good time in DC and in the surrounding area, that’s for sure.

1 (53m 2s):
Kevin Faulkner hook it up.

2 (53m 4s):
I’ll be in touch Kev. Alright. Squaddies thank you so much for tuning into our episode this week. Keep the adventures going with us on Instagram and YouTube. Follow us at Travel Squad Podcast and send us in your questions in the week.

3 (53m 17s):
And if you’ve found the information on this episode would be useful, or if you thought we were just playing funny, please be sure to share it with a friend that would enjoy it too. And please subscribe, rate and review our podcast and tune in every travel Tuesday for new episodes.

1 (53m 30s):
Stay tuned for next week’s episode, you have some more amazing adventures and tips in store for you

3 (53m 34s):
Bye squaddies!


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